Amazing, I look forward to reading more of your writings.
Eric, you most obviously have an ax to grind with Amazing. You think he has a big ego?? Ok, fine. Big deal. Consider the board enlightened.
A large number of threads on the main forum could also be argued to belong more appropriately on the Personal Experiences forum. Two of which YOU posted to today. And lo and behold! What you shared was.....PERSONAL! Not one whisper from you that either of those threads belongs in a different forum. So, give it a rest!
You're kidding me, right??
I am willing to venture that what has touched the vast majority of people on this forum is when we share about ourselves and our experiences. How we cope, what injustices were done, what we did, what we didn't do, what we learned, how we are better now.
Sharing ideas and issues?? Yes, that is of utmost importance. However, when the day is done, it is how we are affected PERSONALLY and how we affected others PERSONALLY, is what makes the difference in how people move on with their lives after they have left "God's organization". I know you probably don't understand that concept. That's ok. You just keep selling your rags and turning in your time cards, and I'm sure you'll get that coveted ticket to paradise.