The local public grade schools in our town are doing away with Halloween and Christmas as a way to appease Religions that don't celebrate them ! Now they will have Fall changing of seasons celebration and Winter celebration . Instead of Halloween costumes students are being asked to wear their school name t-shirts ...... I wonder if this is happening all over or just our area ?
Have schools in your area done away with Holidays ??
by troubled mind 16 Replies latest jw friends
troubled mind,0,5713360.story?ref=nf I don't know how to link to the story .....
troubled mind
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Yes, the public schools in our area also aren't celebrating holidays and they cite respect for people of various religions as the reason.
troubled mind
Someone on facebook asked me if I thought any Witnesses would allow their children to participate if the celebration was no longer Halloween or Christmas .?
I said 'NO' because they still want their kids to be separate ....What do you think ?
I said 'NO' because they still want their kids to be separate ....What do you think ?
I think my wife would allow it because deep down she sees nothing wrong with it. Calling it a 'non-holiday' would also make it seem 'okay,' of you know what I mean. Plus her marriage to me almost gives her a green light.
troubled mind
I think this will be a hard call for the Witnesses in our small town . I can see there being great pressure to not participate by the 'uber-dubs" and then..... those that can think a bit on their own seeing nothing wrong with it .
I think this is becoming common in other areas of the country ,but this is small town USA heavy into tradition . Already people are refering to the JWs as the religion being offended ....however I know some of the other Christian churches in town are aganist Halloween celebrating . I am really surprised about Christmas though !
When my kids were in school, Halloween was called "fall harvest festival" and kids were asked to wear non monster type costumes. It was still too closley linked to Halloween for Witnesses to participate.
In our State, there was a big debacle about the State Capital Bldg. being decorated for Christmas. If there was to be a Christmas tree, other religious groups including Wickens etc, wanted something to represent them as well. People are pretty sick of religious people getting in the way of their traditions. Some JW's saw this as a sign that might eventually fulfill their long awaited hope of having the government "turn" on Religion.