Have schools in your area done away with Holidays ??

by troubled mind 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • garyneal
    I am really surprised about Christmas though !

    I'm not, at least in our area that is. We have Jews and Muslims as well as people who celebrate (or at least acknowledge) Kawanza in our area. I remember living in 'small town USA' and am so glad I left it. Still though, I am surprised they (my daughter's school) still do the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Another thing to consider that has been going on is that retailers are saying 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas' in order not to offend non-Christians. Small town American (which tend to lean Republican) and their representatives like to grand stand about how America is losing its morals because of this. Something akin to Jerry Falwell saying, "How dare they (the retailers and non-Christians) take CHRIST out of CHRISTmas."

  • WTWizard

    This is getting to the point where human existence is simply the "average" of group leaders. Individual rights go right out the window, in favor of "group" rights. This is as true with race, handicap, national origin, sexual orientation, and gender as with religion. I would be totally in favor of eliminating all these "special group" rights in favor of individual rights--that way, no one gets left out.

    As for religions that take offense with holidays, I say "Bah! Humbug!" The religions need to accept that not everyone is going to accept their beliefs, and it is common to observe the birth of Christ. Now, if someone were to wish me a happy Eid Al Fitr, I would not be offended even if I am not Muslim. It would be just as proper for others, even whole groups, to choose to observe Eid Al Fitr as they see fit as for me to observe Christmas. And, if I choose not to participate in Eid Al Fitr, so be it. But does that mean I can't enjoy some of the decorations and festivities that go on, even if I don't directly participate? Or, does it mean I can't put up some Eid Al Fitr supplies at work, just because I don't observe it?

  • mamalove

    No, they are still doing it. We even have vacations around certain religious groups that are more prominient.

  • mamalove

    Muslim holidays are recongnized and I think in other parts of my state, Jewish ones are too. I should have clarified, because of course xtian ones are pretty mainstream.

  • isaacaustin

    Leave it to the org though- they will claim this is unacceptable as well, since done in the place of holidays. They will do what they can to keep the school-age kids from fitting in with their classmates.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    The comments on the video have reached 126 ! It is very interesting reading the different perspectives . So many parents have objected that now the School board has agreed to listen to their objections . A few comments referred to the Witnesses and how they would not join in the celebrations no matter what it is called .

  • garyneal
    A few comments referred to the Witnesses and how they would not join in the celebrations no matter what it is called .

    It's sad but true. Some witnesses, like my wife, would participate but they have the whole WT mantra telling them no. The people who can make a difference, the leadership, won't as it is not prudent for them to make such a change.

    Meanwhile, the individual consciousness of the witnesses suffer while they get vindicated from their leadership whenever they say that the witnesses are being 'persecuted for righteousness sake.' The viscious circle of their persecution complex continues.

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