As many on this board are aware- the WT society is losing younger members in big numbers. Statistics show that 2 out of 3 JW's raised in the cult leave between the age of 18 to 35. So like they always do- if the WT society sees a " need " or " problem " arising they address it in WT study articles. Thus notice how manipulative the WT society uses fear, guilt, and put down type comments to intimidate young Jehovah's Witnesses in this WT study article in Nov. 15th issue.
Under the titled article " Young Ones - What Will You Do With Your Life ? " notice how the WT society immediately raises doubts in young JW's minds about what they experience in the real world. On pg. 12 . paragraph 4 it states, " If you do not set goals for yourself, your PEERS and TEACHERS are likely to influence you to do what they feel is right for you. When listening to their suggestions, ask yourself , ' Would the goals they mention help me to remember my Creator while I am young or would they distract me from doing so ? ' It continues, " A fundamental goal that you can set is to prove to yourself that what is said in the Bible is true. Your peers may believe in evolution or in various false religious doctrines because others have told them that this is what they should believe. However, you can RISE above such thinking when it comes to your own beliefs. " Translation : " Evolutionist's and false religion's views are wrong - ours are not. "
Then- trying to influence witness young people to get baptized notice the guilt and fear tactics used in these statements in paragraph 14, " Some may hesitate to get baptized out of fear that they may be disfellowshipped at a later time. Do you have this fear ? If so, such fear IS NOT NECESSARILY UNHEALTHY IN ITSELF . Might there be another reason ? Maybe you are NOT convinced that living by God's standards is the best way of life . In that case, thinking about the consequences that come to those who ignore Bible standards can can HELP you to make up your mind. ( Translation : Being destroyed at Armageddon is a good motivator to get baptized ) " It continues , " On the other hand, it could be that you love God's standards but DO NOT TRUST YOURSELF to be able to live up to them. Actually, THAT CAN BE A GOOD SIGN, for it shows humility on your part. After all, the Bible says that ALL impefect human hearts are treacherous. " ( translation : Feel guilty, feel very guilty - show humility, don't trust yourself - you are a treacherous guilt laden sinner. ) It continues , " Whatever reasons there are for your hesitation to get baptized , you NEED to RESOLVE such issues and concerns. " Uh-huh.
Notice how the WT society uses mind control to change something which should be viewed as negative- into a positive. Saying that FEAR is not necessarily unhealthy in itself . AND - that NOT TRUSTING YOURSELF is A GOOD SIGN ? WOW ! If that's not an attempt at manipulating young people's minds - I don't know what is. Kick the young people , make them feel small & wrong and the WT society will bleed all the spirit and individuality out of these young ones. Creation of WT drones is how I see it.
So as always- I'd like to hear your thoughts, comments, and expressions on this latest WT society attempt to snag and reel in their young people in order to indoctrinate them ! It annoys the hell out of me to see young people's lives being manipulated and wasted. Look forward to hearing from you. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper