WT Society's Sly Guilt & Fear Tactics on Young People in Nov.15th WT

by flipper 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • QuestioningEverything

    I have 3 teenage sons. I am so happy that they are experiencing a normal, fun teenage life. They play sports, go to school dances, go to parties at their friends houses. They have a normal healthy view of sex and masturbation. They are making plans for college after graduation.

    It's a good life for them.

    OH, and I forgot to add that they are able to enjoy birthday's, Christmas and Halloween! I'm trying to make up for the lost years and they love it!

  • WTWizard

    People need to make their own decisions. And the guidance they get at school can be useful in this aspect--however, they need to make decisions based on what they most enjoy doing and not just what they "do best at".

    However, when the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger puts out sxxx like this and tells children to make decisions based on pio-sneering and Beth Hell, they are themselves preventing those children from making their own decisions. Almost never is anyone best suited to go out in field circus all the time (only severely mentally retarded people that can be trained to repeat a phrase endlessly and nothing else need apply). Most people do well to head off to college, even if only to provide a rite of passage to adulthood. (Note that this is not absolute: Actors and actresses, and musicians, that are doing fine can and do succeed without college. Billy Joel and Kenny Loggins not only didn't go to college, but they dropped out of high school and yet did well.) This decision needs to be based on what the children want, as well as what is available for finances. When religion gets in the way, it could well be time to drop out of that religion.

    Except, of course, the person has already made up their minds without coercion that they would like to be monks (or nuns) or missionaries. In that case, the religion can and will provide all the training they need.

  • gubberningbody

    I'm not sure how convincing young people that NOT TRUSTING YOURSELF is A GOOD SIGN, will help young people deal with pedophiles.

  • Tristram
    Nothing is EVER good enough...

    It's telling how much this is repeated by those that have left, whether they are young or older. The constant feeling of no matter how hard you try that you will never live up to the congregation, elders, GB, Jehovah, parents, etc. demands or expectations is emotionally, physically and spiritually exhausting.

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the comments ! Been working a lot ( all night ) so haven't been here to answer till now.

    VAMPIRE DCLXV- Very true what you say. I agree- the WT society steals people's lives away and STILL make witnesses feel guilty - like they aren't doing enough.

    OUTLAW- Good point you make. The WT society does prey on young people and use bullying tactics to make them conform to the organizations wishes. Pretty sick.

    ELM- Very true. It is child abuse by the WT society because they groom these children to trust them mentally and are nice initially to them- however once a child becomes a teenager they turn up the heat on them to get baptized and mentally conform through use of fear tactics or else they get kicked out, cut off.

    CONFUZZLED 777 - I'm so glad you and your husband are helping and encouraging your daughter & son to get involved with school friends & activities and to reach out for college ! Good for you . Your children need something concrete to look forward to in their futures- not some imaginary Armageddon which will never come. And getting a good education in the " real " world will assist them to have a better future.

    VM 44- The WT society has always used insulting type metaphors and language in putting down what they call " worldly wisdom ". Just them using the statement that young people can " rise above " evolution or outside world thinking is an insult saying WT society's thinking is superior to ANY " worldly " thinking. Pretty conceited of them if you ask me.

    SABASTIOUS- Great You-tube. Thanks for posting. Exactly. WT society looks at ANY young person being ndependent as a threat to the society. They think it's " evil " to think for ourselves. Pretty twisted.

    WATERSPROUT- I hear you. It reminded me of the times I heard this stuff being a witness also.

    BOBLD- You make some really great points. They expect these JW kids to get baptized at 9 - 11 yrs. old , before they even START thinking about sex- yet once an older teenager they drop the bomb on them and DF them if they start feeling sexual urges ! It's total control. WT society is so Nazi like and hypocritical- it's ridiculous.

    WING COMMANDER- Very good points you make. The WT society IS a dictatorship in my opinion, as they use the exact same tactics in controlling members. And to pressure young 10 or 11 yr.olds to get baptized to know what they are doing ? And then hold them to high standards once the sexual urges come on in later teen years , it's just awful what they put young people through. Unless young people break free of this sick, controlling organization - by their early 20's they will be wasting the most important years of their lives by not going to college. I hope young people are reading this.

    QUESTIONING EVERYTHING- Good for you ! I'm glad your children are enjoying the holidays and you have pointed them in that direction ! I'm glad they are happy.

    WT WIZARD- The WT society keeps these young people SO BUSY - that they don't have TIME to think or concentrate on a possible college education. I know when I was being raised in the JW cult- it was constantly drilled into us as teenagers- " pioneer, pioneer, pioneer " after graduating high school. I think the WT society like ALL mind control cults keep members so busy they won't have time to think about improving their life ! Pretty crazy. Glad you got out. Me too.

    GUBBERNING BODY- Good point you make. The WT society DOES NOT WANT young people to trust hemselves. They make it seem bad to do that because they use the word " imperfect " about how people( especially young ones ) look at themselves ! So they teach young ones not to trust themselves. Which, like you say - is EXTREMELY dangerous if a minor is assaulted by a pedophile ! Young ones should be taught to TRUST their INTUITION, not ignore it. Damned JW cult.

    TRISTRAM- Very true- It is physically, mentally, & emotionally exhausting trying to live up to all the expectations put upon people by the WT society. Especially hard for young people. They are made to feel they are NEVER good enough. Is it any wonder that so many young people are exiting the JW cult ? Doesn't surprise me in the least . I hope more leave ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this up if any had missed it and wanted to reply ! Thanks- all replies will be replied to

  • miseryloveselders

    I haven't even read the article, and probably won't. Nothing new under the sun with the WT and education. When I was in high school, I really didn't apply myself too hard because I thought the end would be here. Now I'm in my thirties. I never bothered taking the SATs because I knew I wasn't going to college anyway. Not to mention my parents advised against taking those tests. I wish I could go back to middle school and high school. The things I would have done differently. Granted I'm not starving by any means. Being single with no kids and working class is alright with me. I prefer a blue collar enviroment anyway. I'm doing ok in life, but I always regret and wonder what my life would have been like if it wasn't for those filthy, rotton, dispicable old men in Bethel influencing my parents. They really did a number on my life. I hate those old bastards, and that is no lie.

  • agonus


    Just remember one thing:

    Were it not for the Watchtower Organization, where would the fellas on the GB be?

    Most likely, washing windows and scrubbing toilets.

    You're just fine where you're at buddy.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    hi mr flipper!

    i think a little reverse psychology could be used here too... peers and teachers can also be those in the cong and JW parents...

    and the 'rise above' remark can be reversed into not believing your own religion just because you are told to... prove it to yourself can be encouraging a real look at the WT soc...

    might use this with my two kids!



  • flipper

    MISERYLOVESELDERS- I totally empathize with what you are saying. I've been self employed in my own cleaning business for 28 years now - as I never went to college either. I had a 3.6 GPA in high school - yet I was told by my JW parents I wasn't allowed to attend college but should pioneer right out of high school . Although like you- I'm doing O.K. financially, not starving - yet it would have been nice to REALLY make some big money to set aside for retirement. At age 50 now I'm thinking more along the lines of going back and getting a degree - perhaps in psychology or something along that vein. Hang in there my friend - I share your anger towards the old farts in Brooklyn- you aren't alone. By us trying to be successful in spite of how they deceived us - being successful & happy is our best revenge.

    AGONUS- Exactly, well put by you. The GB wouldn't be ANYBODY if they didn't kiss a little WT higher ups butts as they ascended to their alleged "glory" . Most elders who served in those positions wouldn't have been there if not for turning time in each month. Had nothing to do with being a caring or good person.

    AUSSIE OZ- I hope you are able to counteract what indoctrination measures your ex-wife is taking towards your children since she's still a witness. I do hope some of this information will help you to open up your children's eyes to the REAL truth about the pretend " truth ". Nice hearing from you ? Hope you are well ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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