Leader of First Christian Movement after Death of Jesus

by cameo-d 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Supposedly the first "christian" movement was started by James the Just, brother of Jesus (though some historians believe this James to be a cousin and not his brother). What I find intriging is this verse from the Gospel of Thomas in reference to James:

    "The disciples said to Jesus, "We are aware that you will depart from us. Who will be our leader? Jesus said to him, "No matter where you come it is to James the Just that you shall go, for whose sake heaven and earth have come to exist."

    "for whose sake heaven and earth have come to exist"??? What could this possibly mean? Any takers?

  • AGuest

    Wait, dear cameo-d (peace to you). The account attributed to Thomas states:

    "The disciples said to [Jesus], "We are aware that you will depart from us. Who will be our leader? Jesus said to him, "No matter where you comeit is to James the Just that you shall go...."

    Yet, some Bible versions show, in the account attributed to Matthew, Christ as as statng:

    "Do not you be called 'leader' for one is your Leader"...

    ... and all you're worried about is what is meant by the term "for whose sake heaven and earth have come to exist"???

    Well, okay... the term means that heaven and earth came into existence for the sake of James the Just. Now, whether that is true or not is another subject altogether.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who finds it fascinating, sometimes, what gets one's attention in these matters...

  • designs

    If the Nazarene movement had leaned toward James rather than Paul it would have turned out to be a whole lot nicer movement (James 1,2)

  • ProdigalSon

    The Gospel of Thomas NEARLY made it into the canon, but it was just a little too informative for the church's liking....

    Jesus also said not to call anyone your FATHER on earth, so the "leader" thing must also have a hidden meaning. James the Just was RENOWNED for his SELFLESSNESS and LOVE FOR OTHERS. So when Jesus was saying that James would be the "leader" it was in the sense of first being last and last being first. The greatest must be the least, the one who washes the feet, the one who wishes to serve and help others.

    Diametrically opposed to this was the attitude of the religious leaders. The context is saying that we should not be hypocrites like the Pharisees, always looking pious for showy display but having no real spiritual enlightenment. They are spiritually dead because they have not experienced Oneness with God. They force heavy burdens on people and stand at the Gate, not only not going in themselves but preventing everyone else from going in. Jesus said his burden was light and his yoke was not heavy. "Yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word for "yoke", which means "communion with God". When you see the truth of this, it sets you free from suffering.

    When a larger percentage of ourselves wishes to serve others rather than ourselves, a mere 51 percent, we are in the higher vibration of the 144,000 and are ready for "ascension". Why else would Jesus condense all the teachings into the first two commandments?

  • PSacramento

    On all accounts it was clear that Peter was to be as close to "leader" as anyone would came, though Peter James and John were indeed viewed as the "pillars" of the community in Jerusalem.

    There was no leader but Christ, no Father but God, even jesus himself said, " for they ( the world and jews) have leaders but it shall not be this way with you"

  • Ding

    The quoted passage is one good reason why this book was rejected by the early church.

  • PSacramento

    That and women turing into men and some other assorted stuff.

  • ProdigalSon

    The idea of uniting the male and female is the same as yin and yang and the two becoming one has to do with uniting the left brain (male) and right brain (female). The western world is extremely narcissistic mostly because of its male narcissist god of the Bible. This is an ancient concept that permeates every major religion and their symbols. The cross is one such symbol, with the upright Hebrew Iod representing the male phallus, and the intersecting crossbeam representing the female Havah. Iod-Havah is Jehovah. Likewise, the Star of David is the intersection of two triangles, and which one is which is very obvious.

    This may seem offensive to some, but sex is sacred and has been demonized by Pharisaic religion. Nothing can come into existence without uniting the two polarities. A man and a woman have the ability to create a human soul, and that is a very powerful thing.

    These links might help....



  • PSacramento

    The yin and yang is harmonized opposites, not Yin transformed into Yang or vice-versa.

    That is NOT what the GOT states.

  • cameo-d

    James the Just that you shall go, for whose sake heaven and earth have come to exist."

    Heaven and earth exist because of James the Just?

    "have come to exist" implies that these concepts were not in existence before James the Just.

    What do you all make of this phrase?

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