Well, i know its a bit self-serving since i allready posted this in jwfacts thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/199939/1/Watchtower-images-required, but i think its quite funny and things have been kind of serious around here for the past couple of weeks.
it seem to me that when Jahs chanel have desided (im kidding, they has been told) the one and true God really hate christmas and will kill you in nasty ways if you go ahead and celebrate it, it provide a pretty compelling case for not celebrating christmas. But the governing body can make an even stronger case than that: Not only will jesus cry and clice you up if you celebrate christmas, you will also have a really bad time.
Ofcourse, the last part require some further explanation; it is the truth after all, which they provide in the form of a picture in the December 2010 awake:
While the image does not quite reflect how i remember my last christmas, for example i dont remember ever having christmas in the middle of the day in the middle of the summer in an office, it must be the truth. After all, the GB is above simple propaganda, true?
What i am hoping for is that this picture is one in a series which will show the evils of things such as pre-maritial sex and homosexuality. One can hope :-D.