Debator - with all due respect, when you toss around the word 'Christian', you are probably imagining some early 1st century version of the current jehovah's witness, as depicted in the Watchtower and Awake magazines...most of us were guilty of such narrowmindedness at one time so we sympathize with where you draw your info from...
Christianity was not so homogenenous as you believe but was rather made up of a myriad of different factions, each with its own 'interpretation' of Jesus' impact on history - so your dogmatic assertions about what the first Christians did or did not do carry no weight. Might I suggest some perusing of secular sources to get a little more insight into exactly what it was that the first(?), early Christians did or did not do? Which first Christians are you referring to? - there were many - even just try out Wikipedia - that will get you started.