I need some help with a plot point for the next novel

by JeffT 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    My first effort "Armageddon's Disciples" is being considered by a publisher, I'll let you know if anything happens.

    In the meantime I'm noodling around with what to do next.

    I have an idea, but I'm curious if you guys think one of my plot points is realistic. The antagonist is going to be a guy moving through JW circles, moving from congo to congo every two or three years. Not an elder, mabye an MS, turns in his 10-15 hours consistently, never causes trouble, not married, maybe a little odd as he's kind of a loner.

    The plot point is that he's pretty much a cipher, no one pays much attention to him. Would the fact that he moves frequently be a subject of discussion by the elders when he's going from one place to another? Would that be dismissed on the grounds that he stays out of trouble and turns in his time? Might he be counseled to settle down?

    Just looking for some thoughts.

  • Snoozy

    If he moves around a lot they wouldn't have time to get suspicious..his records may reflect it though..

    He gets to satisfy his God and satisfy his longing to travel at the same time..his own man so to speak..

    Some idiot JW will come along and rock his boat for sure...

    They don't like to see happy people...


  • JeffT

    Snoozy, he's the bad guy he isn't happy. Or maybe he is, just not like other people.


    IMHO. If he moves from congo to congo every 2-3 years he'll still be considered a neebie. He might be viewed with some suspicion by the cong but the elders will think he's fine as long as he gets an ok letter. Sure they might want to know his reason for moving but if he's keeping a low profile it should be no problem coming up with an acceptable reason.

    If it was me moving to a new cong I'd say to the new elders that this was a permanent move and I'd be here long term. That should keep them happy and then in 3 years tell them something came up bla bla.

    Good luck with the publishing. If you get accepted be sure to ask what they'll do to promote it. You should have a plan of how you will promote yourself (JWN readership will be a great start, doing tours and whatever publicity you can get etc) which you can share with them. All about getting on as many tables in bookstores and part of deals on the internet. I'm sure you will have already thought of this and have it covered but just in case.


  • JeffT

    MMXIV, yes I have a marketing plan. thanks for the encouragement.

  • MsDucky

    He could say he's been looking for a suitable mate. Don't a lot of single witnesses move around a lot because of this reason?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Just give him an odd quirk that makes the elders want to "not counsel" him.

    I recommend making him at least pretend to be needy to put the elders off. Excellent speaker or recruiting time, but when they meet him he says he has heavy stuff he needs to get out of storage once he has the money to pay his late fee on storage, then maybe they could help him with that or moving the stuff. Or he could need a good mechanic brother, a good electrician brother, a good plumber brother, a good gardener- he keeps asking them who can help him with stuff and they typically keep it short with him.

    Or he could say he moves because he's looking for the perfect "sister" to wed, but he seems effeminate to the elders and they typically get homophobia.

    Lots more quirks you can think of. It could even be a facial tic or a mannerism that makes the elders laugh (or cry) and they just cannot get to serious shepherding to appease their concerns.

  • JeffT

    I'm thinking in terms of he's having trouble raising one the way he wants her.

  • OnTheWayOut

    OH, have him be a "pioneer" that always gets his time,even if he lies. They are afraid to disturb that.

  • JeffT

    I've thought of the pioneer angle. He can always be off to someplace that needs him more than where he's living now. And it seems that a guy that cranks out 90 hours a month (or whatever) can get a pass for some odd behavior.

    I've been out for so long I can't remember some of this stuff. Does the society keep any ID info on witnesses? Can I walk into a KH, tell them I'm interested in studying the Bible and they won't find out I DA'd myself twenty years ago?

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