I need some help with a plot point for the next novel

by JeffT 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    They do not have the means to spot a liar who comes in as a newbie. He wouldn't even have to provide a fake name or anything as long as he never admitted to being a JW before.

  • donuthole

    Could he have work that requires him to move from area to area?

    Could he be moving to help out where the need is great? As a pioneer? As an MS in foreign language cong short on brothers?

    Is he distressed about events at his current congregation and has a "grass is greener" mentality as he moves from cong to cong? (This usually is quite workable in JW-land where the new elders will readily accept that all the other halls have issues and believe they are the mecca for the opressed.)

  • trueblue

    Maybe give your character a lot of money that has an ongoing sums of money coming in from a pention or inheritence or something and he makes sure someone notices him standing by the donation boxes with some money in his hand before dropping into the donation boxes and does this at every donation box at the conventions also and this person always buys everyone dinners especially the sunday speakers and he also finds new commers that are all alone and twists their words and tells them things about the elders and tells the elders the new person is talking about the elders. The lies and deception would draw the elders attention away from what he actually does.

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