Verizon FIOS is killer! We have 5 roommates so can split the faster speed cost ($15 more).
Anyone get figures like this? Of course it's 11:30 PM too. :-))
Verizon FIOS speed test
download: 20.98Mb/s
upload: 18.35 Mb/s
ping time 11 ms
800 meg movie download in 5 minutes
cable connected:
41.30 Mb/s download
33.78 Mb/s upload
ping time: 12ms
800 meg movie download in 3 minutes
With all the video clips and backups I need for Freeminds I have 4 TB storage on 4 different drives.
You can get a 2 Tb drive from Fry's now for $120.
Back in the 80's when they came out with the biggest commercial drive, I got it for a mere $900. Held 900 megabytes. :-))
from $1 a meg to what, .00006 cents?
Since they say your entire brain contains about 1.5 terabytes, I can store 3 people on here. Any volunteers?