After reading this - is it possible to 'doubt' that Jw's would hide Pedophiles?

by AK - Jeff 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Bump for newbies and WT apologists.


  • Phizzy

    The most disgusting point about this is, that in the past two decades they have not moved forward, they still do not advocate immediate alerting of authorities in cases of abuse, let alone warning those in danger, and their policy for protection of the vulnerable is a joke.

    It is a paper exercise only, simply to look O.K, without any practical effect.

    This sort of thing has now come home to bite the R.C church in the bum, did I hear right that they think it will cost them $3 Billion in the end ?

    It will come home to roost for the W.T too, they have acted in an identical way to the R.C, apart from not adopting better measures now, at least the R.C church is trying to avoid future problems.

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