Is there 'independent' thinking going on in this congregation?

by EndofMysteries 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    I was told that a congregation has started taking donations for those who are struggling in this time. They said that they mentioned how catholics, etc, have salvation army and take up donations and help the poor, but JW's don't have anything like that.

    I was wondering if all congregations are starting this, or one is realizing that they haven't been in harmony with the early christians.

    After that comment I also had a realization......all these WT and new books each year, MILLIONS, of 'recycled' old food. Instead of keeping with one book, and using the extra money for giving helping poor, etc, all that money wasted for an 'illusion' of spiritual food, when it's years old and stale.

  • EndofMysteries

    further clarification, they are not doing donations for general public, just helping those in the hall supposedly.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I imagine it is greatly needed. I have no doubt that I have relatives that need this.

  • yknot

    I have heard of local congregations doing is random and based on personal love.

  • blondie

    Do they handle these funds apart from the congregation funds?

  • steve2

    An interesting observation and good question. Keep us posted.

  • thetrueone

    I wouldn't be surprised if they try and collect financial donations out of the congregation to give to needy ones,

    only to help within the congrgation itself.

    I doubt if there is any directorial mandate from headquarters to not do such a thing.

    One notable fact the JW congregations never at least in my 20 years experience with them, ever collected donations to

    help the community of which they were located or to any large charitable organization. ( very Christain is it not ? )

    All that I can remember is there might be an arrangement to pick up people to bring them to the Hall or out in service.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    My educated guess is that they do this completely separate from the regular congregation accounts. It may be announced AT the Kingdom Hall and run BY JWs but if it is done as a part of the regular congregation accounts it won't last beyond the next CO visit.

  • Mary

    I was told that a congregation has started taking donations for those who are struggling in this time. They said that they mentioned how catholics, etc, have salvation army and take up donations and help the poor, but JW's don't have anything like that.

    Wow! Someone's got a conscience in that congregation! Yes, it's about time that JW's did something like this. I always found it embarassing that we never did anything 'charitable' while 'Babylon the Great' did it all.

    Now all they need is a copy of CoC and they'll be on their way out.

  • caliber

    I feel that love comes from the heart and thus by it's very nature must be independent thinking !

    What we must do comes from the head.. what we are moved to do comes from within from our hearts !

    The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. ~Mother Teresa

    Sad to think that most actions at the KH are done by direction & sanction by the elders not by inner motivation

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