December 2010 Awake Homosexuality

by bottleofwater 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bottleofwater

    Can someone answer me and tell me what's best to do based on two comments before this one? Let's just say that I screwed up (ummm... literally and figuratively *hint *hint).

  • sabastious
    Wt 1970 5/15 p313
    "The Christian Greek Scriptures are just as explicit as to how detestable homosexuality is in the sight of Jehovah God: .......
    homosexuality is something detestable, both to Jehovah God and moral man."

    I think their new mindset on homosexuaity is more balanced, but such a change needs to come with an apology for advocating homophobia in past articles.


  • serenitynow!
    I'm having two elders talking to me on Sunday

    Why even meet with them? You're not obligated. And don't tell them anything they don't need to know. Your life is none of their business.

  • serenitynow!

    Anyway - God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve (of course this takes for granted you believe in god).

    Cook my socks, you're of course entitled to your viewpoint but why express it with a lame joke that is as old as Adam and Eve?

  • bottleofwater

    I know, but I'm just afraid I might slip something by accident while talking or look like a liar by something I'll say. I'm not sure it'd be easy avoiding the two elders because my Dad is the Coordinator of the Body of Elders. By the way, they found out through some forum posts that I wrote. However they don't know the whole story.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    bottleofwater, if you are not a minor (in the USA that's age 18 or older) then you don't have to do anything the elders or your parents tell you. If you have committed something you consider a sin, it is ok to feel bad about it, confess it to whatever God you believe in, and try to do better in the future. If you have done something THEY think is a sin, that's THEIR problem and you don't need to worry.

    I am getting the feeling that you are a homosexual who doesn't know how to deal with that fact in front of the Borg Inquisition (unless I'm misreading you). The solution is, you don't have to deal with them at all. Live your life. Be happy.

    Good luck.

  • undercover

    I don't care anything about Adam and Steve, but Ada and Eve would have been interesting...

    bottle, you can't slip something accidently or look like a liar if you don't say anything. We don't know your circumstances but if you're of age and aren't going to be living under your father's roof, this might be a good time to make a clean break from the WT life.

    Of course, easier said than done. But don't cave into elders just because they're elders. They only have the authority and power that you allow them to have.

  • Cook My Socks UK
    Cook My Socks UK

    Why not?

    I'm not racist, homophobic etc. I make fun of everyone and to exclude any group would be wrong ?

    Seriously, if a person has made a decision to live a certain way then why worry about what others say or think. It's you and the man upstairs that counts.


  • bottleofwater

    But I'm leaving right after all that. In fact my Dad somehow is getting my uncle to come after the meeting. Sucks right? And yes I'm 19 and yes I'm gay. (oops a pioneer)

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome Waterbottle!

    While I was still in Bethel, there were some changes of thought, although I can't say exactly how it might have come across in the publications and been understood by local elders. Although individual opinion may state that homosexuality is a worse sin than boinking someone of the opposite gender, as far as scripture is concerned, homosexing is no more serious than any other fornication (using whatever technique or position). Actually, from a moral and historical perspective, it is much more of an offense if one of the persons is married (unless it's a man taking another wife in the early Mormonesque era of old). And it's a practical problem if a child is conceived.

    And it really doesn't matter that the dubs will say that they love sinners but hate the sin. In actual fact, they believe that Jehovah's going to use falling buildings to smash open the heads of anyone (regardless of their sexual preference or even if they've been completely chaste) that isn't a disciple of Watchtower Corp.

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