and the few years of education you get you only get to believe half of what you learned.
Are you recovering the knowledge that you lost?
by cyberjesus 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
For me it hasn't been so much about knowledge as exercising the ability to think logically and analyze the information. At the very basic level a lot of information is supposed to be accepted on the basis of authority, that's in the public school system too. Not that you need to look at everything from scratch, but it certainly helps in cutting through various types of propaganda, and subtle psychological influences.
Yes, I'm enjoying learning more now than I did as a young Witness. Sadly, though, there are also many people who were never Witnesses but who are also very ignorant of U.S. history today, it's surprising. Not to mention science and the arts.
" At the very basic level a lot of information is supposed to be accepted on the basis of authority,"
A history teacher teaches history, math teacher teaches math, science teacher teaches science. OK,
What gives a group of men with no medical knowledge what so ever, the authority to determine the
best medical treatment for its members concerning blood, Oops, wrong thread, BTTT
So what is the new knowledge you are acquiring as ex member of the cult?
I am re learning about chemistry (I had no need to learn chemistry, God would take care of everything in the PAradise)
History, all that crap about man was not necessary I looked forward to speak to Moises and David and all the great ones
Archeology, that crap was planted by Satan
Astronomy, no need to waste my time, in the paradise Jehovah would tell us all about the Universe instead of wasting time wondering
Anthropology, you kiddin? those crazies they are planting lies to makes us belief in Evolution
etc etc etc etc the list keeps going, ALMOST ALL the knowledge acquired on the few years of approved education were useless. Why are you learning?
YES! I was not very religiously interested until my appetite was wet by the untruths I found out. Now I eat it up.