I always find it interesting how emails vary in perception. Two more 'snippets' have arrived and I am posting them for forum consumption (this is still technically 'spiritual food') and discussion. As with the last thread, the original author and those they emailed are not responsible! I was like 4th/5th on the chain of these emails and none knew of my intent to reiterate the contents here in cyberspace. If you do recognize similarlity within your own noted emails again I am the only one responsible so it is best to just keep your mouth shut (hey you are lurking here so you got no room to judge) and not cause any undo pain to the author or the original intended. Previous thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/200064/1/More-AGM-News FIRST SNIPPET: New 'spin' on the DFd parent-child which was previouslly mention in my first AGM thread. In this scenario the DFd adult-only-child is an atheist. The email draws out that perhaps the Adult-child privately became of atheist mindset before DFing (DFing apparently was due to speaking out on behalf of the FSM or apostasy) Faithful JWParents are encouraged to discern that 'Necessary Family Business' isn't actual in the Bible and thus we should not push it to an extreme. The hope is that the Adult-child will begin to feel a sense of loss and yearning over not receiving the full measure of his parents love and devotion and associate this loss and yearning too with not having a relationship (ie believing)Jehovah. MY THOUGHTS: Clearly this is a bit overly hopeful as I don't know many Atheist (esp ExJWs) who would ever fall for such a ruse. Generally speaking once an ExJW goes 'there' they ain't coming back and if they do it won't be under those motivations mentioned above. SECOND SNIPPET THE GT!!!! As Satan continues to lay his snares and make his attacks on those righthearted faithful ones earnestly seeking to serve the call of "IF" one will survive the GT has now become if one 'WILL" survive "UNTIL" the GT! Yes friends it is true we have yet to experience or discern the enormous trials that will unfold during the GT but we should not be concerned about enduring as will we have Jehovah's protection! Some of the snares that will continue as the GT nears are leading many of of the 'TRUTH'. Talk (older ones) of regretting not pursuing higher education, career or not saving toward retirement. Those who whisper these 'woes' are likened to those murmurers of Israel during the Exodus from Egypt! Foolishly they wished to return to Egypt not discerning that Egypt would later fall to the Babylonians instead of keeping their 'eye on the prize' of 'the promised land tha flowed with milk and honey"! This too is true in our times! Some are falling away as they fail to discern that things such as global economies, 401k, stocks, fortune 500 comapnies and currency values are plummeting as we grow nearer and nearer to Satan's wrath increasing as his time draws near! Pursuing such similar foolishness as the those murmuring Isrealites desired will only lead us to a temporary sense of security in this system of things but it will also distract us from Jehovah's will and the promise of the new system. So Friends! Will allow your hope to be bought for a few bits of silver?
More AGM News- spiritual matters (with paragraphs this time!)- disregard other epic fail post!!!!
by yknot 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I wrote you back YKnot
The Wt acknowledged that the term 'necessary family business' is their term, not a Bible term. THAT is what they are saying not to take to the extreme (what they consider extreme) and reason that since it is not in the Bible it does not need to be followed, that a member can create situations for contact.
formating is just wonky today.....
I swear I am editiing and puting three spaces between paragraphs!!
I have to run and pick up one kiddo from school
Sorry it didn't turn out better
The Oracle
so what are they trying to say here?
JWs are no longer allowed to have contact with their DF'd children even if they feel it is "necessary family business"? And the bible never made that exception when outlining its policy on DFing (no association period - not even offering a greeting)
The Oracle
What really bothers me about this developement if you will, is how they print articles about the need for our love and worship to be genuine. They emphasize that Jehovah reads hearts and won't accept worship that isn't from the heart. One of the old songs had the lyrics, "I want to" which if my memory serves me correct was a song about genuine love and adoration for God, his laws and principles, and fellow believers. Now they go completely contrary to all of that by pressuring JW relatives in good standing to pull a bait and switch with DF'd relatives. The bait being able to have a normal family relationship based off of genuine love. The swich being conditional love based off of what the formerly DFd relative does outwardly to make the appearance that he/she believes in God, and recognizes the WTS as His chosed organization. Its sick. The only thing they'll accomplish with this is a bunch of families with more unnecessary tention and strain, undercover apostates, and more people going on Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, Effexor XR, etc..
By the way, is the song "I Want To" in the new book?
The funny part of the whole matter is that I am yet to find(maybe I'm slow...) sriptual guidelines of DFing... applied either by the disciples or in the first century congregations compared to current applications. It fundamentally flawed, but I guess no "Lucid" dub dares question that.
As for the preparation for the GT, all I can say is that looking foward to such an event defeats the image of a loving, all-w, just and mercyful god that the GB is ussually at pains to potray. "This system of things TM" is one of the cliches I am glad to be rid-off inmy vocabulary. Surely the GB must and should be held responsible for the blique future of spending twilight years in almost poverty(if it were not for social sercurity afforded by governments). The cost in human suffering when it comes to missed educational opportunities and a general sound economic family life, is imesurable!!
The WBTS's GB enjoy economic security at the expense of millins on earth trough utter sham... such injustice is very abominable and must be stopped!
I had to vent...
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
The hope is that the Adult-child will begin to feel a sense of loss and yearning over not receiving the full measure of his parents love and devotion and associate this loss and yearning too with not having a relationship (ie believing)Jehovah.
From the majority of the dubs I see, it's the JWs that feel the loss and yearning. Like the now atheist kids are going to miss all those happy times out in serve-us or sitting at the Discrap Crapventions? I'd rather enjoy Halloween, Christmas, and Birthdays with strangers than endure Botchtower Corporation lies with the family.
So wait a minute... let me see if I get this strait... If you followed the advise of the FDS and didn't get an education because the end was nigh and now the end was not, if that is the case ITS YOUR FAULT?????!!!!!!! And the comparision to egypt is unreal... If i recall, and since JW's taught me I may be wrong, didn't they wander for 40 years as a result of THEIR unfaithfullness? Had they been faithfull they would have gone strait into the promised land not.. oh I dont know... wander in the wilderness for 96 F*&*ing years! So where is the comparission here.. we are still in this system because of our unfaithfullness? I think not. We are still here cause these jack holes GOT IT WRONG and now they want to BLAME THOSE WHO BELEIVED THEM!!!
Epic fail on that reasoning.
Unique time in WTS history.....
A time of last minute rearranging deckchairs before fully accepting that this boat is sinking.....
Time to hop off the coattails of interpretations past!!! Boldly ditching the dead weight of dead men!!!
OMG more JWs are becoming more and more awake(even older ones!!!).
Our discussions here are starting to mirror in congregations in westernized societies!!!
Yes Yes Yes..... Happy dance, smurfy dance..... dance... dance.....dance!!!!!
Dearest bethel lurker..... join today and start posting..... you know you want too!
And if you have access to next years drama theme purdy please let us know what fictionalized account we will be seeing!