More AGM News- spiritual matters (with paragraphs this time!)- disregard other epic fail post!!!!

by yknot 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    Next thing to speculate as another poster brought out to me privately.....


    After all words are cheap in the WTS but print is 4-ever!!!!

  • elderelite

    Hey wait.. I think that email is one I sent to a friend.. a friend named Yancey Knotingham.. but i specifically asked him not to send it to anyone else.. how did it end up posted here....

  • Dumi

    You should know better elderelite

  • VM44

    How long before the GB vanishes?

    30, 40, 50 years?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Billy, bee-oo-tee-full! Right on the mark! (how detached from reality are these bozos?)

  • wobble

    It was our fault after 1975 too, I was there, we read too much in to what they said, it was all our fault. They told us so. Bastards.

    They are such arrogant lying pricks. And they are still doing their best to keep people in penury, so that slavishly following the blind-guides of the WT is all these people have.

  • factfinder

    @miseryloves elders- yes, "I want to" is song # 84 in the new songbook.

  • Red Piller
    Red Piller

    I just finished attending the MS one day school. One talk stated that the "necessary family business" clause is a "concession from the slave." They 'know that it is sometimes impossible not to need to talk to family members about certain matters. But brothers are we stretching that into giving us an excuse...etc...?'

    The term "concession from the slave" stuck out in my mind. So double-speak Orwellian. We have a slave. Yet, he gives us concessions. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

  • wobble

    The anointed are supposedly a slave of Christ, this would be the GB really, the rest of the over 11,000 anointed do not count as the GB has made plain.

    The slave/GB is responsible for all Christs "belongings", Kingdom interests on earth.

    The point is that Jesus has abrogated all resposibility and work to the Slave/GB and just sits on his throne since 1914 doing two things,

    1) not much &

    2) bugger-all.

    And so the GB can make any rules they want , tell you who to shun and how etc. and the Dubs must obey.

    The above is the GB view of things, I wonder what Jesus Christ thinks ?

  • factfinder

    wobble- that is exactly what my brother tells me- Jesus has given TOTAL authority over his belongings to the "slaaaaaave" (as he says it!- like goatboy!!!) thus the GB is in complete control with ALL of Jesus' authority. That is why we must obey the slave, I mean the GB, in all things and not question anything at all. We respect Jesus only when we respect the slave, er, GB.

    I told him I do not accept that.

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