Here, in the Netherlands the total number of visitors of the memorial 2010
30.000 instead of 40.000 in 2009. Significant difference in one year: - 10.000.
If there are less visitors at the memorial, could we say there are less partakers?
by isaacaustin 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here, in the Netherlands the total number of visitors of the memorial 2010
30.000 instead of 40.000 in 2009. Significant difference in one year: - 10.000.
If there are less visitors at the memorial, could we say there are less partakers?
Increases in attendees tends to come from non-jws coming that one time (or inactive jws a smaller part). Decreases would more likely be non-jws not jws who are partaking.
In my family of orgin, five were "encouraged" through repeated visits by JW extended-family members to attend the memorial this year. Three went - all three told me they went to get the JW relatives off their back. I thought to myself my family members should "Get a life or a spine or both" but, of course, said nothing about their dullminded passivity.
Since the memorial, those three have had not one visit from the JW relatives! Talk about going out of their way to drum up attendance to inflate the attendance figures. I know that my family is not alone in this regard.
Every year, all the backsliders and faders are hunted down and "encouraged" to come to the memorial, then it's back to business as usual. I still note that the memorial attendance figures have stagnated and even declined in New Zealand. I can only imagine what the actual attendance figures would be like, if they didn't sniff out and hunt down the backsliders and faders.
I agree with you that the religion is embarrassed and annoyed by these recent anointed claims. And, in order to put these upstarts in their 'place' they published information that effectively neuters them so they will just be viewed as a curiosity or a class with no 'clout'.
Personally, I am glad the religion did this because I never thought much of anybody's claim to being 'anointed' and found the whole thing presumptuous.