2010 memorial partakers?

by isaacaustin 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • isaacaustin

    Not sure if this was previously posted...but how many partakers were there this year? Thoughts on if they are headed to making this number symbolic while still stressing earthly hope? Or simply leaving it as a literal number and claiming both groups gathered concurrently throughout time?

  • Chalam

    I predict there will be new light™ before too long like the WT This Generation Game™

    Bruce Forsyths Generation Game Opening Titles 1973



  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Truthfully I doubt if the modern dubs know what the annointed is/are, let alone that there is 'spose to be a specific number for them.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    "the anointed"

    It used to be a phrase loaded with awe and respect. If a congregation had "one of the anointed" among its ranks, they were viewed as just a little bit more special than your average congregation. A member of "the anointed" used to be considered as an earthly representative of God's Kingdom as a member of "the Faithful and Discreet Slave" class. As their numbers shrunk, they were viewed as more and more special, and as proof that "the end" was imminent.

    Today, "the anointed" are an albatross around the neck of The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They are nominally members of the Faithful and Discreet Slave class but have been effectively emasculated by recent kool-aid-WT articles that have placed them beneath their local "other sheep" elders. No longer viewed as a sort of congressman-elect, they are mostly viewed as charlatans, imposters, fakers who's nibbling and sipping has inflated the number of partakers year after year after year. They were supposed to be DEAD by now and yet there are more and more and more of them every year. What an annoyance to the GB "the anointed" are nowadays!

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    You will have to wait until about February when the new Yearbook is released.

    If there is an increase of the magnitude of recent years it will be quite an embarrasment to the WTS, they will have to make some sort of comment about it.


  • miseryloveselders

    Annointed= a Medicare aged person who wants to be somebody special

  • truthlover

    What I don't understand is:

    they tell us that somone who is partaking for the first year is not counted.... they have to pull that person aside and find out their reasonings..especially if they know the person, and hadn't partaken previously ---that being so...how come the numbers have been going up steadily yet the society says they are decreasing??

    There was a person in our hall who had been a pub for years and then, bango, took the emblems for the first time -- they did not count it on the report that was sent to the society for tracking purposes...said the person was tending towards apostasy


  • Ding

    Interesting that these people are supposedly anointed by Jehovah to be part of the FDS class but what the GB doesn't pay any attention to what they think.

  • steve2

    There was a person in our hall who had been a pub for years and then, bango, took the emblems for the first time -- they did not count it on the report

    that was sent to the society for tracking purposes...said the person was tending towards apostasy

    I've heard several accounts like this. If they were to scrupulously count every single person who took the emblems, you'd see a huge number - fat more than the more than 9,000 currently recorded. So, even weeding out the ones they don't want to count, the number partking is still an embarrassment to their shakey doctrine.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    steve2 - The WT said we should not judge those who partake of the emblems, so by not counting those partakers who the local elders consider unworthy of heavenly life that is exactly what they are doing. Hypocrites!


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