"Evolution is JUST a Theory!"

by sabastious 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Perhaps the definition of the word 'theory' contributes to this:-

    1. an explanation that has not been proved or tested.

    2. the underlying ideas in art, science etc.

    Many people use definition (1) in general speech but definition (2) would be used scientifically.

    In general conversation I may say my WEIGHT is 82Kg but that is really my MASS. The gram is the standard unit of mass, weight is measured in Newtons. So for most JW's to understand scientific theories and concepts may be a problem due to WTS policy on education.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    There are two forms of "theory" Deputy Dog. The common use of the word is NOT the same as the scientific use of the word. In common use, a theory is a hunch or a speculation. In science, a theory is a comprehensive expl a n a t ion of some a spec t of n a t ure t h a t unifies a v a s t body of reli a ble knowledge. In o t her words, a t heory is born when a subs t a n t i a l number of hypo t heses poin t t o t he s a me conclusion.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Great minds think alike Mad Sweeney! (Don't complete that saying though)


  • Nickolas

    Evolution is a theory. It cannot be anything else because it cannot be proven by observation. Creation, by definition, is also just a theory. When there exists two theories purporting to explain the same phenomenon, one must go to the evidence and discard one of them. This is Ocham's Razor, which relies for its effect on disposing unnecessary assumptions and accepting the first sufficient explanation or cause. There is a mountain of evidence to support the theory of evolution through natural selection. There is no evidence, none whatsoever, to support the theory of creation by magic.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Creation is not a scientific theory.

    And evolution has been observed at the micro level. I personally know people who have seen organisms evolve in the lab. Big beings like us evolve too slowly to observe in one lifetime, therefore the observations have to occur over many thousands of years. But microbes are seen to evolve very quickly.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Remember Einstein's THEORY of relativity? That theory was the basis of the nuclear bomb. Does anybody doubt the existance of nuclear energy?

  • Terry

    I gave up participating in Evolution arguments.


    I don't have the intellect for it.

    Meaning what?

    Just as I can't argue with a mathematician successfully since they know more than I do;

    I can't argue with the proliferation of data which consists of experts and "experts" and myself unable to distinguish who is whom.

  • GLTirebiter

    Let's talk about the theory of gravity. We'll go to the middle of the Golden Gate, then I'll grab you by the ankles and dangle you over the railing. No need to worry about age taking a toll on my physical strength and stamina, after all, gravitation is just some silly scientific theory! Right?

    (I see Sir 82 said it first--sorry about that, Sir!)

  • trueblue
  • cyberjesus

    Evolution is a fact. it happens everyday. Evolution of life is a theory. But is the accepted scientific explanation how we became humans and how gorillas became gorillas.

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