"Evolution is JUST a Theory!"

by sabastious 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moshe

    If man survives long enough we will see the results of evolution for ourselves. Modern Homo Sapien brain size has been shrinking compared to the skulls of ice age humans- it'a all downhill for man.

    Watch the movie, Idiocracy, for an idea what's in store for society.


  • brotherdan

    Love the comment, Misery! It would be GENIOUS of JWs to embrace the term "theory". They could call it "The theory of 1914" and "The theory of the 144,000"! That way they can say, "...well it was only a theory that was proven false."

    I think I could respect that more than them saying that it came from God...and then he changed it.

  • Markfromcali


  • undercover
    Modern Homo Sapien brain size has been shrinking compared to the skulls of ice age humans- it'a all downhill for man.

    Makes sense. I swear I think people are de-evolving, some of the stuipity I see. Maybe our evolution to the point of creating medical marvels to keep people alive that normally would have perished under harsher circumstances has resulted in a watered down gene pool. Survival of the fittest no longer applies...

  • simon17

    There was nothing, then there was "light" and from the moment, life began in the universe.

    Man was "created" of the earth as were all the living creatures.

    Well it does say more than that, unfortunately. It says LIGHT existed BEFORE the sun and stars. Thats a major problem. It also has other major problems that contradict physical evidence, such as saying flowering plants were created before all the animals... also incorrect.

  • VoidEater

    Realize there is a stringent scientific definition of "theory". A true theory empirically and repeatably describes observation, and is predictive.

    It's not just any silly old thing you make up.

    Have fun proving what happened before the big bang.

    Since we cannot devise experiments to observe what happened before the big bang, the point is moot. As if that had anything to do with the subject anyway.

  • cyberjesus

    life is just a theory. Matter itself is just a definition to describe vibration.

  • moshe
    I swear I think people are de-evolving, some of the stuipity I see.

    You don't need much brain capacity to draw welfare- what are we on now the 3rd generation of welfare recipitients or is it the 4th?

    When thousands of homeless people in New Orleans were holed up in the SuperDome after hurricane Katrina without adequate food and water they could have walked 20 or so miles down the highway and gotten aid. They couldn't figure out how to do this.

  • Nickolas

    No, you're wrong. Your mixing up the two defintions of theory.

    OK. If you like, we can call it a hypothesis, instead.

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