Is there anything that could actually bring down this farce of a religion?

by stuckinamovement 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • just a reader
    just a reader

    The true God in heaven will bring it down.

  • moshe

    Think about this- the original IBSA or Russelites followers are still in business. They still sudy Pastor Russel's books. As long as you have people who want to believe the current WT dogma- "you will never die and you can live forever on a paradise Earth", you will have people wanting to be JWs.

  • VM44

    There is a good chance that The Watchotwer would NOT continue on if the governing Corporation dissolved.

    The true founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses is "Judge" Rutherford, and how many people today are studying his books? None, In fact after he died in 1942 his books immediately were replaced with newly written ones. (this is very telling as to how "The Judge" was viewed).

    How many people still study "The Truth" book? or "The Nations Shall Know I am Jehovah" book?........none.

    Decades from now, who will take the "Revelation," "Daniel," or "Isaiah" books seriously? no one!

    Without The Watchtower Corporation and Organization, the JW religion would fragment and eventually vanish.

  • LV101

    HOW DO THEY GET AWAY WITH IT --- who really is running the show and where's the money. if it really is in offshore accounts (seems i read that one time too many Xs) --- why can't our GOVERNMENT find out. WHERE ARE THE LAWS to protect the innocent/uneducated and bamboozled anyway. there's certainly laws for everything else. i realize this country's laws are structured for freedom of religion and an individual ISN'T FORCED TO REMAIN in a certain religion ----- WRONG!!!!! (and i'm starting to hate that tax-free freedom law because of the fraud they get away with at mankind's expense, GROW FILTY RICH AND WE PAY TAXES THROUGH THE NOSE). i think there should be a law passed religions MUST PROVE THEY ARE SAFE and legit to even practice & be tax free ---- what the heck!!!! no one else gets away w/that EXEMPTION. I WISH WE COULD ALL DO SOMETHING LEGALLY --- BELIEVE ME! CAN WE PURSUE THIS, RICO law?

    i doubt the GB would ever give up their POWER --- after all power is more of an aphrodisiac than money and it's all the losers have.


  • VampireDCLXV

    If the Borg collapsed tommorow, so what? Something else would eventually rise to take its place. Cults will always be around as long as religion is too...


  • LV101

    just asked one lawyer and was informed the Rico law is not for religions but criminals --- DUH -- they are criminals (i told him this) and got a negative for help in this direction. what about class action suit (all of us) for donating to them even though they don't really qualify legally and give back to the community. oh that's right, they still get away with it.

    i'm so sick of hearing this country was founded on this freedom of religion bla bla bla and they get AWAY W/MURDER BECAUSE it's an individuals choice to be involved with them and no one is FORCED to belong. where are the psychiatrists in this country to prove what these religions do! if i hear about their free run on this country one more time i will lose it! LOVE THE COUNTRY --- just hate what the crooks like the tower get away with.


  • GLTirebiter

    It doesn't matter what they do, it doesn't matter which country taxes them into bankruptcy, it doesn't matter who bans them. If the WT goes away there are others willing to take their place. IMO, it's more productive to give a hand to those who want out and a warning to those who might join than to take on the Brooklyn heirarchy.

  • WTWizard

    They do not abide by bans. They just do the work anyways--and take their chances.

    They do not adjust their doctrines to reality. Instead, they print crap like "Even if you can prove a doctrine wrong with our own Bible, you are still required to abide by and TEACH the bad doctrine until our leaders themselves fix it."

    They are not going to run out of money. They simply bleed the congregations dry, but there is more than plenty in the organization. They scare older people into donating $20 bills as if they were water, and simply bleed them into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund when they get enough. As for the younger groups, there are just enough staying in to milk them of their money as well.

    Embarrassments? They had the Great Pedophile Embarrassment the day before Thanksgiving 2007, yet people are still willing to risk dorkhood and knock on doors anyways. And there are just enough people that either never heard of it or that want to join anyways so they get a few results in field circus.

    The Internet? Simple: They recruit from mental institutions and prisons. Those people are promised a better life, and the religion promises the government that they will turn such people around. They usually end up on parole, on welfare (most of which ends up in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund to keep them going money-wise). You get more pedophiles and baby-eaters, but at least the religion is alive.

    Fully integrated thinking? That would help, but even with it being fully implemented, it takes more work to think yourself. While it would slow growth dramatically, there are always going to be those who are too lazy to do their own thinking. For those who need someone else to do their thinking, the witlesses suit their needs just fine.

    About the only thing that could bring them down is mandatory Islam, enforced by the death penalty for anyone not practicing Islam. That would bring down all Christianity, as well as outlaw atheism and the other major religions (Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhaism).

  • cyberjesus

    Although I have in the past concluded that the WT will stay longer than us due to its mind control nature I found couple of facts that have led me to conclude that it is actually possible to bring it down succesfuly within our generation.

    1) In "The Wave" high school project ( a project performed in a California High School) when the cult had grown big enough and had taken life of its own. It seem rather impossible to stop it since now it had a big following and the members were now controlled by the basic tenets of the cult. However the rather difficult task of dismembering the cult was performed by removing the foundation from the founder himself. The teacher who started it made the members gather in a general assembly face cognitive dissonance by presenting evidence that the cult was only a local group that had no leader and that it was just an experiment. In other words instead of trying to reprogram every member the foundation was uncovered by the leader of the cult.

    Is this possible to happen in the WT? I think so. Actually it has already happen. There have been several occassions where a massive number of members have left the organization because a prominent leader started presenting the facts from a prominent position. There have been several congregations that have left ALL together since the Elders as a group woke up and the members of the COng followed suit. Even large number of people have been Dfd from the Headquarters (although this was involuntary, it also presents another exit). What if an announcement was made from a District Convention that made ALL the member leave? What if the whole session was taken over and exposed by a DO or a prominent group?

    What if the member of a branch office where De-programmed and made print out information for the whole country? What if the whole GB was de-programmed and forced to reveal facts about the org?

    2) in a individual level I think that group conformity can also be used to their disadvantage. It is a fact that the majority of individuals will agree with the majority just because we are use to be part of a group. It has been proven that not only will agree but also perception is modified. which means that if a member of a group faces is the only one against the group he will eventually change his position to agree with the majority, unless of course he is aware of group conformity. However if Jws that are aware of the group conformity effect are already leaving or questioning the WT.

    So yes I agree that if the WT is shaken by its leaders (the GB) it is possible to bring it down. Regardless if other cults will emerge or not. If a cult is succesfully dismembered then the same formula could work with other cults as well.!

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Also, the Org loves numbers and the numbers they publish usually look favourable whatever has really happened. Therefore, those listening to the report then think "it must be right" the numbers prove it.

    As has been highlighted on this site the numbers used are not usually correct so the people just aren't getting the true picture

    As some have said with regard to those partaking the reality is that this number is going up whereas based on what the WT have said realistically that number should be very low by now. It has also been said that they don't even count some of those who are partaking.

    I remember an Elder running through the numbers of witnesses at one meeting and the UK the number hadn't changed but he stated because of people dying the numbers had really gone up. However, people die in all countries not just the UK it was just that numbers were going up in some other countries so people dying weren't mentioned then.

    They just find new ways of delivering what they want everyone to believe.


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