It seems to me that the JW religion thrives on the concept of imminent world disaster. The way this world is going, they have a lot of raw material to work with for the forseeable future. Let's not forget that the "next 9/11" is not an "if" ... it's a "when". Iran ... North Korea ... Pakistan ... plenty of opportunities for calamity with no end in sight.
Is there anything that could actually bring down this farce of a religion?
by stuckinamovement 49 Replies latest jw friends
Cults will always be around as long as religion is too...
You don't need religion to have cults. Just look at some of the politics over healthcare and watch how nasty people get when someone does not agree to their 'cultic' views and loaded language like liberal, socialist, communist, etc..
ZIDDINA --- ADDRESS for Russia? i can't believe someone isn't keeping Europe informed.
I think it is happening. In the past month I decided that on every opportunity I have I will say that I was part of Religion blah blah blah.... well guess what in the last 3 conversations 2 of them the people were JWs too. Isnt that interesting? and I know this people for at least 2 years. How many ExJWS are already out there that we dont even know?
Implosion is the only way .... it's in the hearts and minds of individuals
At the very least they will need to change and transform to survive..... Like I was reading in a Business magazine..
that even the porn industry is having a hard time surviving the Internet.... how can any of the news outlets make it ?
The whole propaganda industry is in trouble not just the WT.. example news outlets because of cell phones (internet) cannot control
the people's image of wars Iraq ... the official & desired outlook they wish us to have !
Mad Sweeney
I don't think it needs to be completely gone for me to be happy/satisfied.
When the JW growth rate falls below the net birth rate in every land and territory, I will be happy.
Ice cream
1. Someone high profile with unlimited financial resources could put unrelenting pressure on the GB, non-stop constant hammering through the media, lawsuits etc. The GB would eventually crack i'm convinced. Force the GB to make massive doctrine/policy changes that would be the last straw for millions who already are quietly doubting.
2. Stop the preaching work. Every 'apostate' knock 1000 doors. Offering the householder the option of becoming a DO NOT CALL. I've done it with loads of my clients, not one of them has refused the option. I write down what they need to say. It wouldn't completely stop the preaching but it would greatly reduce the territory. Before my family shunned me they would always say 'we're the only ones preaching the good news' when i tried to expose the WT to them. Again would force many to question 'the truth' and if it was done worldwide no doubt a change in policy.
Just my opinion.
AK - Jeff
Yet they are still going strong with new members being recruited at a faster level than those who leave. Is there anything that will actually stop the machine?
I think the same answer applies to the WTS as applies to religion in general. Slow decline, followed by inevitable up-shoots and new superstition. Rinse and repeat. Unfortunately, the human race seems to like being steeped in superstition.
I wish we could jump 10,000 years into the future to see - I think religion will be gone by then, but there may still be underground cells 'waiting on the return of the LORD' here and there. Of course the 'LORD' will have changed a couple times by then.... maybe it will be Bill Gates?
There are some really good thoughts on this topic. Many of the comments boil down to $ and the way the money is collected or used. You look at any business and if it can't adapt to changing market demands, and adopt technology to maximize operational efficiencies, it will soon die or become irrelevant ala (dick's toaster repair) or the (acme telegraph company).
The WTS is deathly afraid of the INTERNET and other means of communications. They find themselves in the weird spot of having to adopt the same technology, that they at the same time demonize.
I expect that if the yearly report was at all honest about the numbers that there would be a small decline in growth. Look at how many of us newbies are here posting.
darth frosty
Deaze could bring down this religion in no time flat!