Jesus is Imaginary...
by AK - Jeff 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
oooh're such a shit disturber
AK - Jeff
Sorry bout that.
Here is another from the same guy - it might come in handy later in this discussion.
hey don't apologize...I love a good shit disturber
I have seen these before. Good videos. But you have to pray to the name that makes people say "Gezundheit."
Otherwise, someone will claim the scriptures are lies and the name is wrong.I mean, every mother ignores their children if their cry for help is to "Mother" when she prefers "Mom."
Didn't Jesus physically appear to people before he went up into heaven? And not since?
Tammy, you are implying that Jesus cannot or will not appear because of that.
I know you will not feel that he cannot do it, so next you will fall in line with the standard excuses why he will not. -
I don't doubt that he can do it, OTWO - yes, you are right in that. I do doubt that it would be his father's will for Him to do this (and so He would not), since He is supposed to return in the same way he left, and appearing to all men (and women).
Either way, it is not my experience or understanding that people of faith get together and ask for Him to prove their faith correct. That would be the doing of someone without faith - and so perhaps not much of a brother IN faith for Christ. So those two or three (as in the example of the video) are not actually gathering together in His name.
Without going into the modern day, my Lord is recorded to have also appeared to John, dear tec (peace to you!)... after he ascended to the spirit realm...
Sorry - just trying to be accurate...
Peace to you!
YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,
SA, who is done with this "carrot"...
Curious, but if Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem to get recorded into the Census, and that the Census was taken every 14 years.....then why is there no historical information on Jesus? It seems that the historians of that day and those afterward would have had some conclusive evidence of his actual existence.
Unless.....Joseph and Mary left town to avoid the census. And supposedly Jesus left the area when he was 13 (so would not have been available for the record), not surfacing again until he started his ministry. Some say he was studying in India.