Jesus is Imaginary...

by AK - Jeff 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    Jesus is not imaginary.

    There are certain protocols of the Universe that must be followed.

    When you make a formal declaration as to whether you choose man's rules or the Univeral Laws, only then can things change.

    Right now you are all subscribing to man's rules.

    Certain barriers cannot be crossed.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Hopefully this forum is filled with rational, intelligent, educated people - many of whom are Christians. This short video hits in a super simplistic way the reason that such otherwise intelligent Christians step away from the serious questions that are surely obvious to them if they accept the use of the intelligence they have already developed.

    I know that some likely believe that this is just unnecessary 'pot stirring' [though some apparently like the pot stirred LOL]. I don't believe so. I honestly hope that intelligent, capable people, want to use that intelligence to it's fullest. And I think that delusions of God/Jesus are damaging to our evolutionary advances, socially, economically, and culturally. This is not really an effort to stir the pot as much as an effort to stir those minds to logical thought. I think my intentions are similar to the producer of these videos, hence my posting them.


  • cameo-d

    Amputees? Tissue regeneration. The technology is evolving. The "miracle" is that we were built to survive and were given a brain to reason, observe nature, explore the creation, and have the joy of learning how to overcome these obstacles.

    Just because some doctors believe in "miracles" does not mean that people are suddenly zapped by paranormal forces and "cured'. The body's healing powers and the minds determination usually play a big part in most "miracles".

    she did, however, find something else: stories on "60 Minutes" and "Oprah" about a relatively new procedure called tissue regeneration, which had made amputated finger parts grow back for other patients.

    The therapy involved cleaning out the finger and removing scar tissue -- a process called debridement -- and then dipping her finger into MatriStem wound powder. After seven weeks of treatment, her fingertip grew back (as shown in the before and after photos above).

  • elderelite

    Jeff, the videos were certainly interesting... but i respectfully disagree with the "christian bubble of delusion" thought. I KNOW Jesus was a real person, and the he assended to heaven.

    I know because he told shelbly all about it.

  • poopsiecakes

    some apparently like the pot stirred LOL


  • PSacramento

    Hey Jeff, have you read "Jesus the victory of God", by NT Wright?

  • AGuest
    why is there no historical information on Jesus?

    Interesting question, dear cameo-d (peace to you!), one I did not know the answer to... so I asked. And the answer, which was very interesting, surprised me. Well, sort of. The word of my Lord is that in order to find records/evidence of him, one can look to the records of three peoples: first and second (but not necessarily in any order), the Romans and Greeks (those who put faith in him; not all did)... although there are not many that actually do exist... but those that are are currently... ummmm... shall we say, "guarded"... and not available for the public... or common... eye? Third, those of the non-Arab/Jewish Palestinians who put faith in him. Which are very... extremely... few today... and so such records are even rarer.

    There are virtually no accurate records among the Jews... for obvious reasons. He said the majority of such records (which would have been registered and held in the Temple) were denied, rejected, written out, written over, and/or destroyed. The majority LONG before the Romans destroyed the Temple and its records (there was nothing of him there by then). He said that there were Temple scribes/historians whose task it was to write down everything of the history of the Jews. In his case, such were told what to write... what not to write... and/or to rewrite or destroy what was written. Priests also took part in these activities.

    Bottom line, folks are looking for record of my Lord in all of the obvious places... which are, for the most part... all of the wrong places.

    I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • xchange

    My internet 2 cents.

    I think it is likely that a person by the name of Jesus did exist in history. However, I don't believe the story in the bible about that particular Jesus is based on facts. Especially the supernatural events attributed to him - walking on water, water into wine. etc, - highly, highly doubtful. Did he spit though? Yeah, most likely. Everyone spits now and then.

  • cyberjesus

    but Cyberjesus is not!

    Wait a second, we are all the product of perception in our minds. so in a way we all are imaginary. So if we are all just in our heads really does it matter if some put extra characters in theirs? I rather put a different one in mine than JEsus's but to each one its own.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I know because he told shelbly all about it.

    I know. MJ tells her, so she can tell us. The other MJ, not Michael Jackson....


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