why is there no historical information on Jesus?
Interesting question, dear cameo-d (peace to you!), one I did not know the answer to... so I asked. And the answer, which was very interesting, surprised me. Well, sort of. The word of my Lord is that in order to find records/evidence of him, one can look to the records of three peoples: first and second (but not necessarily in any order), the Romans and Greeks (those who put faith in him; not all did)... although there are not many that actually do exist... but those that are are currently... ummmm... shall we say, "guarded"... and not available for the public... or common... eye? Third, those of the non-Arab/Jewish Palestinians who put faith in him. Which are very... extremely... few today... and so such records are even rarer.
There are virtually no accurate records among the Jews... for obvious reasons. He said the majority of such records (which would have been registered and held in the Temple) were denied, rejected, written out, written over, and/or destroyed. The majority LONG before the Romans destroyed the Temple and its records (there was nothing of him there by then). He said that there were Temple scribes/historians whose task it was to write down everything of the history of the Jews. In his case, such were told what to write... what not to write... and/or to rewrite or destroy what was written. Priests also took part in these activities.
Bottom line, folks are looking for record of my Lord in all of the obvious places... which are, for the most part... all of the wrong places.
I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,