Pope Served Summons for Crimes Against Humanity

by cameo-d 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cameo-d


    We intend to append to the Cathedral door or external furniture a copy of a renewed Summons to the Pope to appear before the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, 4th April 2011.

    This will be delivered to the Vatican Embassy for transmission to the Pope the following day, 11th October. We will also be leafleting the congregation as they emerge from Mass. Press and media have been informed.

    For the benefit of any as yet unaware of Rev. Kevin Annett, he is, or rather was a United Church Minister from Vancouver, Canada but was thrown out of his church in the mid 1990s for allowing native Indians to join the services and extending them pastoral care.

    Since then he has been leading a crusade to expose the genocide of the Indian population of Canada and in particular the ‘disappearance’/death of some 50,000 native children in residential schools and hospitals funded by the Canadian government but run by the United, Anglican and Catholic Churches.

    From late 19th century onwards native children were snatched from their families and communities to be ‘educated’ in these horrendous institutions where they suffered all manner of abuse including rape, Nazi-style brain and germ-warfare experiments and continual mental and physical torture. Although some survived against all odds many did not. Mass graves have come to light in 28 locations.

    The Catholic Church has been fully complicit in both these hideous atrocities and in the cover-up that has gone on ever since. 80% of the Indian residential schools were run by the Catholic church. As well as being thrown out of his church Kevin has suffered all kinds of other persecutions including threats on his life.


  • asilentone

    I will not believe it unless it is on CNN or on other reliable networks. I have never heard of www.allvoices.com If it is on the internet, it must be true???

  • BurnTheShips
    International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

    Heh. And just who are they? Are they part of the UN? The International Criminal Court? Or just an activist organization with an impressive name and no legal standing to be issuing legally binding summons?


  • Denial

    if it's on CNN or the TV, then it must be true?!! that's fucking stupid.

    do you believe amnesty international? do a google search.

  • Ding

    Lock the doors at Bethel !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • asilentone

    denial, they check their sources before they broadcast anything.

  • Satanus

    Why doesn't he target the canadian govt? The govt was the main player in that.


  • LongHairGal


    Unfortunately, the church has been guilty of even worse atrocities over centuries past (the Inquisition).

    However, I don't think anybody is going to get very far thinking they are going to prosecute the church or the Pope personally. If people have visions of the Pope being led away in handcuffs and thrown in a jail cell, I don't think it is going to happen.

    You forget, the Vatican is a country in its own right and the Pope is the Bishop of Rome (whatever). So, this makes him the sovereign leader of a country. I think the church is being all apologetic these days with regard to the child abuse scandals only because it is bad publicity. The best people can hope for is reparations in the form of money - if they win lawsuits.

    But, I personally think if people think they are going to go further than that - the church might get nasty. I could be wrong but this is what I think.


    Ya right..

    The Pope has his own Security,Army and 1 Billion Catholic followers..

    It should be real easy to arrest him..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • cameo-d

    Longhairgal: However, I don't think anybody is going to get very far thinking they are going to prosecute the church or the Pope personally.

    Can you imagine if this set a precedence? Of course it is only a summons and the Pope can choose to ignore it. But what would happen if....oh, I don't know....maybe he started getting a couple of hundred summons a day from individuals?

    And what if...oh, I don't know....what if it caught on and started happening in the JW congregations, too?

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