The new Summons, issued under the signature of ITCCS Acting Secretary Kevin Annett, requires that Ratzinger and six senior Cardinals appear before the opening hearing of the ITCCS in London, England on Monday, April 4, 2011 to answer charges of their personal complicity in crimes against humanity.
.The new Summons will be delivered to the Offices of the Papal Nuncios in Canada, the United States, Ireland and England.
(Maybe you all will hear more about it if these plans progress.)
Therefore, I propose that during the 24 hours from 12 noon on Sunday, October 10 to 12 noon on Monday, October 11, you and your networks gather outside Roman Catholic churches in your community and engage in a final and public exorcism of the lies, murder and corruption that inhabit the Church of Rome. We ask you to offer prayers, smudging, drumming, and other rituals you see fit to call out and expel the lies and crimes of the church, and imbue a new spirit of truth telling so that the dead can find justice and vindication, and the guilty brought to trial.
Brazen conduct?