Children of 1975

by d 278 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jookbeard


    were those the unique Bible truths uncovered by CT Russel that included the occult origins of studying the great Pyramids internal dimensions that somehow pointed to the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy? included in the writings of Studies in the Scriptures and The Divine Plan of the Ages? were these biblical truths uncovered by him pointing towards the fact that JC invisible presence came in 1879? these very biblical truths included the occult practice of numerology by the Freemason Russell? who was also embroiled in a sexual scandal of his own that included inappropriate behaviour towards an underage girl. Doesn't sound like Russell was uncovering Bible truths at all, Rutherford later condemned his writings as old light and demonic! how strange.

  • isaacaustin

    _bator said:

    Hi the finger

    Your just making assumptions they have never said Armageddon had to happen on the exact date after the creative day ended but that it would hopefully happen soon after (which we still say now)

    My reply: yeah, yeah yeah....they said the difference would be the time between Adam and Eve's creations...months, NOT years. At the same time they taught that the 6,000 years had to be followed by a 7th millenium of rest IF Jesus really was the lord of the sabbath, as he said he was.

    Reniaa you false prophet you!!

  • Heartofaboy


    WERE YOU THERE 1966-1975??????????


    You have hindsight we did not!

    My you are pushing my blood pressure way too high lady.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    If the witnesses cared about their people at all as Christians should they would have nipped it in the bud when they were going door to door preaching about 1975. Furthermore, they would have refused to accept the sale proceeds of houses that people sold to preach in the last days.

    THEY believed it would happen and did so for ten years. All the evidence is there. I wasn't a witness in 1975 so have researched the subject thorougly believing that people may have read more into it and became over zealous. However, I have to admit that I was wrong they were sorely misled and I am only sorry I didn't believe people when the first told me. However, having done the research myself was probably good.

    I applaud Debator for loyalty, this is a quality that I admire in people but cannot understand how he/she can be so misled when the evidence is a plain as the nose on your face.

  • mrsjones5

    My you are pushing my blood pressure way too high lady.

    Don't let he/she/it get to you Heartofaboy. Masterbater is only here to push buttons. Nothing more.

  • Heartofaboy

    I'm sorry I lost it a little then.

    So many sacrifices were made by individuals during the late 60's to '75 because of the outpourings of the GB/FDS, Brooklyn etc

    Debator reduces the hardship caused to nothing & it is very painful.


  • Heartofaboy

    Cheers mrsjones thanks for the advice.

  • mrsjones5

    You're welcome. If it helps, think of debator as an emotional vampire who's here's to get off stirring the pot and getting folks riled up. It's a sign of low esteem and kinda sad.

  • isaacaustin

    Heartofaboy, she is simply a troll and an attention-getter...she used to post here as Reniaa...then posted here she was leaving to return to the org..and came back under another name...take her meaningless words with a grain of salt.

  • undercover
    Masterbater is only here to push buttons


    Masterbator.... push buttons... That's good...

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