Just wondering. I'm gonna need that soon. No not more Kool-Aid. I'm talking about advice. Also I'm curious how they dealt with YOU.
Gay JWs - how did you deal with your Kool-Aid drinking relatives?
by bottleofwater 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good question. I'm from Milwaukee, my parents got baptized when I was 9, and I've been going to meetings everysince I was three. My aunties became witnesses in the 60's, 70's and 80's. My relatives are so drunk off the kool-aid that its crazy!
I'm a sister who is a lesbian-in-transition from bisexuality status sort of speak (lol sorry for confusing you but its the truth). Its tough. I always knew I was bisexual my whole life, and I've dated worldy men, lost my virginity to one, but now, I'm even questioning my bisexuality. My parents know about me (my mom caught me in bed with a girl when I was seven, there were (some girls from the hallthat would spend nights over my house, slumber parties that would 'foddle' me), and its kinda an unspoken but opened secret in my family. My witness parents aint having it! My mom wants me to marry a brother. I think that being with a man would be the right thing to do but I still have these lingering feelings for women. I think about women waaaaay more than men, but sometimes I think that being with a man would be the right thing to do. Being raised a dub, I've been conditioned to be believe that my place is on earth(not heaven) and with a man (see all the articles in the watchtower with all the hetrosexual couples hugging eachother) this is what is correct, politically and religiously, etc.)
Well, since I'm NOT dating anyone right now, I guess its okay---for now. I still attend meetings, but until I move away from the current city that I'm in (Milwaukee) its all a big act before the final fade. I'm not baptized, but if I were, I know I'd be disfellowshipped right now, no if and's or but's about it. Its hard cause there are some brothers who like me, I just dont know what to do or say, cause I'm dealing with this whole 'gay' thing. SOMETIMES I'M AFRAID THAT I'M GONNA END UP ALONE. There was a sister that I really liked that got married to a brother last march. Reality slapping me in the face. I know that a lot of people have there feelings and still marry someone of the opposite sex cause thats 'the right and moral thing to do.' I know there are other LGBT witnesses (I know of a gay elder at my old congo who is HIV positive, I know there plenty at bethel) and I wish we were allowed to be more opened, and honest.
I'm apart of the conscience class.
Bottle, as you know, I am not gay and I'm married with 2 kids. But I think I have "some" insight. If not, just ignore me and say I don't know what I'm talking about. But:
I was 17 and told my mom that I thought her hatred towards gay people was unchristian. At the time I said, "I believe that saying a swear word is just as much of a sin as being gay."
But she said, "Homosexuality is SO unatural! It's the worst of all sins!"
So I asked, "Where in the Bible does it say it's the "worst"?"
She couldn't answer me.
So here's the deal, dude.
You are normal. There is NOTHING wrong with you. You are the way your dna made you. Don't let ANYONE tell you differently! The elders, your parents, and even your closest friends may turn on you.
But do you know who will NOT turn on you?
Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Thanks Bro. Dan. How was Hawaii?
Jesus never mentioned anything about homosexuality being wrong, nothing. I find that to be so comforting and refreshing.
Dubs homophobia is so latent and hypocritical its just... crazy...smh.
I have lesbian feelings, but @ this point in my life, I feel like I'm better off being friends with people.
I have sexual feelings towards girls that are not my wife. So am I less evil than someone that also is attracted to girls...but is not a guy?
I will NEVER judge anyone in that way. Jesus told us NEVER to judge. It's not my business. My business is to be best friends with you and bottleofwater! I will NEVER AGAIN be on my high horse and judge others like I did as a JW. And, to be honest, I WAS one of THOSE! I was better than you! How sick, huh?!?
Hawaii was awesome. It gave me a greater appreciation for our earth. It's such an amazing place, and sometimes we get so used to our surroundings...we get used to it. But it's such an awesome place.
There was a 22 year old brother from somewhere in NJ whose iPod Touch I was looking at.
I scrolled through some of his apps. I spotted Gay.FM and queerradio.
He said that they were just funny to listen to.
I think he let you look at his Ipod for a reason, bottle...
Just sayin...
I dunno. He started to really panic and tell me "I'm not gay, I'm not gay". Believe me, he looked really nervous and worried.
Yup, I bet he's a liar. JW and liar are not mutually exclusive.
@ Bottle: Yeah right are the group of words I was looking for also.
@BroDan: I know for men it must be really tough because I think a man's sexual desire is stronger then a woman's. I've kinda learned to 'block out' my sexual feelings (I used to watch a lot of adult moves @ one point, I've pretty much have cut that ALL OUT). And I havent had sex with a man since 2004. I know People wonder why I dont have children, and the answer is quite simple: I dont have sex with men like that. LOL. Most of my friends (even a lot that I grew up with @ the hall) are single mothers and married with children.
God made you the way you are, Bottle. God, can't be wrong.
Sexuality is only a problem when it is forced on another human being - whether gay or straight. Why should anyone feel forced into relating what he/she does in private? Gay people are perfectly normal individuals, just a different genetic makeup - like left handed people.
I agree, the JW's in the main hide behind the old addage "We hade the sin, not the sinner" - not my experience in the congregation at all.