Just asking.
How do you put a gag on feelings of fear when living outside the "truth"?
by bottleofwater 24 Replies latest jw experiences
LIke fear that maybe the JWs were right and you'll be killed at Armageddon? Or... ?
Kinda like that... or that the UN will do as the JWs teach...
Have you read In Search of Chrisitian freedom? That really helped me not be afraid of Armageddon or anything like that. The whole religion fell to pieces.
And reading posts on here are helpful for deconstructing phobias and JW teachings.
You might try reading through a number of their false prophecies to convince yourself that the WTS knows nothing about Bible prophecy.
Undo all of the wt programming, ie restudy their beliefs and boot out the false ones. It can be a lot of fun. Ray franz' books are a good start. Studying all of their prophecies - they are practically all false. Staying on this site can speed it up.
Basically, wt training to study a lot can help you, in this case.
You educate yourself about our founding and historical timeline of our belief development!
For instance 1914 as the 'parousia' didn't start being taught as solid interpretation until 1943!
Pyramidology wasn't ditched until 1928
Holy Spirit was 'un-necessary' as of the 1930s and retrodated back to 1918!
We celebrated Birthdays until the 1950s!
Read man, read your WTs!
You can find many older publications online!
However there are several older publications at these sites:
Poster Chasson too has a wonderful collection! (really must read stuff!)
(Here is Chasson's full directory http://www.wtarchive.org/deposit/ )
Basically the 'truth about the 'truth' tends to destroy the myth of appointment!
Don't forget to emphasize the positive (in life) and take care of yourself too. I normally don't say stuff like this but since other people will more than cover things along the lines of research of doctrine and such it's just a reminder. It is possible to feel peaceful with some fear. So if you work on yourself some and relax enough, you may find that they can exist side by side even though the fear's still there, but as you might expect it wouldn't be as strong.
If you still trust the Bible, read the NT without the Watchtower spin to regain your faith in God.