How do you put a gag on feelings of fear when living outside the "truth"?

by bottleofwater 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 3Mozzies
    or that the UN will do as the JWs teach...

    Even IF that ever happened, the Watchtower Corp will be one of the first to go.

    So I hope the JWs are right about the UN getting rid of religion, I would love to see the Watchtower Corp burn!

    Too bad it wont happen


  • moshe
    or that the UN will do as the JWs teach...

    You were still in diapers when the iron curtain in Europe fell. All the WT predictions about the King of the North and King of the South became just worthless paper and ink. You need deprogrammed, that's what you need.

  • thetrueone

    Let be clearly understood that to long time members of the JWS/WTS there is long progression of fear and guilt thats been

    perpetrated by this religious publishing house, that does have some longing effects on to people trying to make an exit.

    Many here that have been out of the Borg for years such as myself can recollect those feelings as well.

    But thats exactly the way they constructed this religion, it was out maligning exploitive manipulation of the bible itself which they also sold

    to the public. The fear mongering aspect of this religion was real to impress among other things persuasive guilt in the endeavor to control

    people to the way they wanted to control people. Basically much of what the WTS/JWS has been saying in the literature was designed to prosper

    the circulation of their published works. The return of Christ, the end times, Armageddon, a new world of Paradise conditions and so on.....

    these were all created to attract the attention of the public. How the long term effects on to people that actually believed this disingenuous

    orchestrated drivel has no plausible concern for the hierarchy of the WTS. for they live and breath the WTS. teachings as its their livelihood.

    In other words they have more concern for the organization feeding them their daily bread and at the same time props them

    up full ambiguous amounts of power.

    Due to that enormous amount of money and power there is a form of protectionism going on there as well. ( most religious groups do so as well )

    One way to shrug off the WTS mental grasp of people is finding the real Truth, such as studying and researching information concerning the

    WTS. proclamations and doctrines. You could start with as an example " are we really living in the end of times ? " as spoken by the WTS.

    There are many other so called religionists that have been selling books, DVDs etc. around this subject too. Whats really going on ?

    Of course the another good way is to read information that is on web sites such as this, the inter-net is like a library sitting in your living room,

    so you should use it and process the information with an open but an analytical mind .

    Getting out of the WTS. grasp is the beginning for most people to have a healthier personal psychological profile and to know what the truth really is.

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Feelings are responders They repond to your thoughts. One thought that helped me early in the piece was that If Jehovah is going to destroy billions of people because they have not read a WT then he is a bastard and not worth knowing. That if the GB's threat was true "obey us or Jehovah will kill you" then I would prefer to die with those that are so unjustly condemned for such a pathetic reason

  • AGuest
    or that the UN will do as the JWs teach...

    If they really believed what they taught on this, they wouldn't have joined the UN, dear BOW (peace to you!). The truth is that they only teach it because they haven't a real clue as to what "beast" is... and so look to "signs" in certain worldly occurrences to explain them (i.e., League of Nations gone/UN replaces it). Which isn't an altogether incorrect thing to do... unless you're altogether wrong. Then, it's really bad... and telling.

    That those who do not belong to Christ would be given NO sign... except my Lord in the grave for three days... is also telling...

    As to your original question, however: love. PERFECT love. Meaning, love of God, Christ, self (which includes spouse and children), brother, neighbor, stranger... and enemy. Because perfect love... casts ALL fear... OUTSIDE. And it also "covers... a multitude of transgressions."

    It bears all, believes all, hopes all... and never fails.

    I hope that helps, dear one, and again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • pirata

    When I made my first post here explaining why I thought a teaching was wrong, I was quaking in my boots thinking "what if I'M wrong".

    The more you study the history of the JWs, doctrinal changes, and how much they are wrong, you'll worry less and less.

    Read "Crisis of Conscience", "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "In Search of Christian Freedom", "Captives of a Concept", etc.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    When I first left it was because I was just so unhappy being a Witness and I figured being out could not be any worse . What I found was peace of mind .I no longer had anxiety about this world ending anytime soon, and i found freedom to express myself for the first time in over forty years .

    I too had my moments of "But what if they are right ".....reading Ray Franz books help dispell those thoughts for me . I was brought up with knowledge of much of what Ray spoke of so it helped me . For you something else may be needed because you were exposed to a whole new generation of fear mongering ........

    I think looking back and realizing the history of the Org . for what it really is might help you see it for what it is .....A man unhappy with his religion ,Pastor Russell, took beliefs he liked and was comfortable with then added his own spin and made up a new religion . There was no direction from God no special enlightenment . This site has a wealth of knowledge for you to take from ...stick around read some think on it reason on it and then make a decision for yourself what sounds believable .

    Take your time go slow . It can be overwhelming deprograming all that you have learned to this point . I found not being exposed to the constant barage from the KH and assemblies that slowly the fear subsided . Now after five yrs it is hard to remember how scary those first few months were .

  • beksbks

    Relax, and read. Not just religious oriented, but history and social studies.................embrace other humans. Maybe not literally, unless you know them.........

  • ziddina

    Eventually, as you 'jump' at things that aren't "there" and then realize that there was really nothing to be afraid of, you'll "de-sensitize"... When I first left, I'd jump at the sight of really dark clouds rolling in over the mountains, thinking "What if that's "Armageddon ™ "coming.

    But nothing ever happened... I gradually lost my fear after that...

    Also, reading as much as I could about geology - and the things that actually HAVE happened to planet Earth in the past, gave me a bit of perspective on human fears today...


  • Gregor

    When the first Iraq war began (remember, when Saddam invaded Kuwait?) I knew a couple of faders who had been very outspoken (privately, of course!) in their rejection of the Watchtower scam. They melted like butter when the war started. They began going back to meetings, etc. Within a couple of months when the war situation stabilized, they picked up their fade where they had left off. Like someone trying to catch up on insurance premiums when they see the storm clouds gathering.

    Some people, bless their little Kool Aid stained hearts, never seem to get the fear under control. They run for the barn at the first sound of thunder.

    They are still in. Brainwise.

    Sad. Must be a unique kind of limbo misery to live that way.

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