The elders are giving me a chance to meet up with them a last time in order to try to prevent a disfellowshipping. One of the elders will call me in two days to see what I think because I told him that I don't want to be in the religion anymore. How can I politely and painlessly refuse? (I don't mind being DF'd btw.)
How to politely refuse a last chance meeting with the elders?
by bottleofwater 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"Thank you, but I'm not interested in meeting."
Sorry I have other plans - for the rest of my life!
give them flowers, and the card said "Fuck you!"
If they ask why, just keep playing the broken record: "Thank you, but I'm not interested in meeting."
If they tell you that will leave them no choice but to DF you, say: "Thank you, but I'm not interested in meeting."
If threaten you with Armageddon and eternal annihilation, say: "Thank you, but I'm not interested in meeting."
If they get blue in the face, jump up and down, call you a rebel against Jehovah, and demand that you meet with them, say: "Thank you, but I'm not interested in meeting."
If you don't mind being DF'ed, then just be yourself and say whatever you want. If your wanting to be polite, be polite and stick with "No thank you" or the longer, "Thank you, but I'm not interested in meeting." But whatever comes off the tongue naturally.
If you feel them getting on your nerves not accepting such a short polite answer, then:
"It's a dangerous mind-control cult, the doctrine keeps changing, shunning is wrong and unloving, independent thinking is wonderful, blood fractions is silly, Watchtower is loaded with hypocrisy because they were a member of the United Nations. SO NO, THANK YOU!"
Try this:
"I love Smurfs and furniture from garage sales, let's have a smoke and a toast to my newfound freedom. Good luck to you guys, but if I may get out of here, there's some oral sex waiting for me and I have to pick up a birthday present." -
Very funny OTWO!!!
Tell them you are wearing a hidden microphone and are recording the whole conversation.
If you just want some fun, tell it after the meeting.
If you hope to even keep a foot in the door with your parents I would recommend you say to the elders (or write a respectful note) that you appreciate their efforts but you do not choose to meet at this time. To say anything disrespectful would not be in your best interests if you are still living at home and hope to continue living in a somewhat peaceful situation with your parents.
That should not help anything. As soon as you have stated (in writing) that you no longer wish to be a JW, the only thing that will prevent a DF'ing is to tell you had doubts, give some questions and state:
"NOW I understand. I can't believe I have been so stupid to listen to such slender about the WTS and JW's. I will never have anything to do with that apostate anymore. Thank you for helping me. Can I please get an elder to study with me. I think I need it."
I guess the choice is between being able to live with your JW-family or to live with yourself.
In any case, honesty and selfconfidence usually gets you much further than hiding and trying to pretend. They can smell it and decides wether thy feel superior in front of you or ashamed and embarrashed....usually.