How to politely refuse a last chance meeting with the elders?

by bottleofwater 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • believingxjw


    I did not say he should write that he no longer wants to be a JW, please read my post again. He is ready to be disfellowshipped and will likely be disfellowshipped. I was just trying to help him to remember that if he wants to keep peace with his parents telling off the elders will likely hinder that.

  • bottleofwater

    They asked to talk to me tomorrow, but I told them that this is overwhelming and to call me Tuesday instead.

    They want to meet up.

    How do I avoid this when one of the elders calls me again? They're pretty much trying to get me to repent by Friday or else I'll be disfellowshipped.

    You know what? I don't mind being DF'd! Go ahead!

    Now how do I just get them away so that way they can go ahead and do their deed?

    I know that I'm "unrepentant" and I told one of the elders that I'm probably like that. I told him that I don't feel regret.

  • Ding

    If you want out and don't mind being DFd, why do they have any claim on your time at all?

    Tell them what you just told us: "I don't mind being DF'd! Go ahead!"

  • xchange

    How about you just don't answer their calls. Ignore them.

  • cyberjesus

    They cant Df you unless they have evidence or a confession of a sin. If they dont have any you can say "soorrryyy im b c"

  • 1Robinella

    First off why would you tell them: "I told him that I don't want to be in the religion anymore." I'm just wondering? I have found (several family members confessed to our local elders the same and they were DF'd) it's not helpful. I'd just walk away, change address or hang holiday stuff out, get new cell number...don't take calls, just ignore the whole mess. If you have family in the religion don't give them details (I've found the elders try to get other family members to put the pressure on). AVOID THE ELDERS. Good luck be strong my friend.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    The elders only have as much power over you as you let them.

    Just say, "I'm not interested in meeting with you, good bye." Practise saying it beforehand, even in front of a mirror. Be firm. They no longer control your life. Don't let them control your life.

  • bottleofwater

    They have evidence against me and I agreed to the evidence being valid.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Let them deal with that evidence. You don't have to meet with them.

    Question: do you believe that they are acting on behalf of God?

  • bottleofwater

    No I don't. I'm just a nice person and was very social and nice with the elder that is talking to me most of the time over the phone to schedule visits between us over this. It's just difficult because we're all cool.

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