I read a ton of posts on this site that basically follow the same form: somebody has an argument with a close relative about the "truth" and long, angry e-mails follow thereafter - or heated phone calls - or face to face conversations - and the kitchen sink gets thrown into the mix.
You name it: child molestation, 1914, false prophecy, everything and anything that comes to mind.
No, No, No! Please do not do this! I have been there. I have done that. Unless you are really committed to losing your Witless family or friends, don't hit them with both barrels while you are angry and upset about a lifetime of being duped by the 'truth'.
Here's a piece of ancient wisdom - and it applies regardless of whether you are a an agnostic or atheist:
"I have many things yet to say to you but you are not able to bear them at present" John 16:12. Yes, that principle of gradualism still works with people. Guys, this is how you 'came in the truth' - and it is also the only way that many will be able to leave it.
If you want to emote or rail against Watchtower evil, have at it here with us as a sympathetic ear. Otherwise, resist the urge to spill what Witnesses perceive as venom ( as people you might want a relationship with in the future).
There are a variety of more careful approaches to use. Subversion may work better than an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" finger pointing at you by entrenched cultists ( like your mom, sister, etc.)