The things we'll do for our kids....and sex.
I HATE this religion
by brotherdan 388 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No sex for me, cog...It's been a while. I need to try and get her in the mood again. It's hard to say no when I put on the charm, you know...
I agree with you about no longer promoting the false gospel of the Watchtower.
Your wife's attitude really puzzles me. The idea of you not going to meetings sets her off; she's ready to leave you over it. You've all got to be loyal to the FDS.
But neither of you has gone in FS in 2 years? From her perspective as a JW, what if Armageddon comes tomorrow? Isn't she pretty much doomed (as well as you) because of her failure to preach the kingdom d2d?
What explanation has she given for being okay with 2 years of no FS? How did you manage to step doing it without getting your wife and the elders on your case?
Ziddina - I actually got my pdf of "The Finished Mystery" from this forum (I think Atalantis posted it a couple years back). It's a scanned copy of the original, as far as I can tell anyway...I haven't been able to bring myself to slog through the whole thing but what I've read is quite entertaining!
My favorite parts of The Finished Mystery are:
1. Michael is the Pope.
2. 2 heavenly classes and 2 earthly classes.
3. Pyramidology
4. Bible numbers referring to the distance between Scranton, Pennsylvania and WT headquarters in Brooklyn provided you travel by way of the Hoboken Ferry!
Perhaps Debator and Djeggnog can explain how this came from Jehovah.
Yeah, I've got the 1918 edition of Finished Mystery. Here's the version I have:
Please look at my earlier post where I'm trying to figure out your wife's attitude.
Being a JW is PURLY an identity for her. She NEVER studied with her parents before getting baptized. She doesn't know the basics of the religion. She could not defend herself with someone of another religion. She is VERY intelligent, but not in JW theology. So it's impossible to prove ANYTHING to her.
But she has the ingrained belief that it is "the truth" and that only JWs will be saved. She has the thought that we just have to do the best we can until Armageddon and then we will get into the new world. There is no theology for her.
So you can see my lack of any path to go down with her. She has TOTAL blind faith. And she refuses to reason on anything that the WT has done or said.
I really have not met a JW like her...
What is sad, do you know over the years the "old" books we tossed? NOW I am keeping them. I wonder if my in-laws has some old books around besides resorting to snagging them from the KH.
Oooo, Goody! Thanks for the pdf link! More reading!!