Well, folks, this little mermaid just got back from the SAD she had to attend w/her husband so as to keep a measure of peace (we're in the process of working out compromises...you know how it goes) I was pretty mad by the end of the day (thank god it ended at 4:00) mostly because I learned some NEW THINGS that I would never have guessed in a million years.
Did you know that Satan is setting up artificial "refuges" as a counterfeit to Jehovah's "true refuge"which is...HIS ORGANIZATION??? Now Satan's "false refuges" are pretty damn bad, like, for instance, "Independent Thinking." No, siree bob, we don't want none of that!! Oh, and also "Higher Education." Now that one really caught the mermaid's tail. Did you know, good people, that if you have a University DEGREE, you are damn lucky to even have a job??? That those worldlings that espouse the benefit of getting a degree don't tell you, but that in this economic downturn, "in one country" (this is an exact quote), over 750,000 jobs that don't require a degree are being done by people with degrees??? The whole implication was that if you have a Bachelor's Degree, you are in WORSE SHAPE financially and job-wise than those smarties who opted out of the whole silly education thing.
When the Bethel speaker was spouting this nonesense in his deep, fatherly tones, I looked around the audience thinking to myself C'mon, this is absolute moronic nonsense. Surely I'm not the only one seeing it for what it is... And folks were just nodding and taking notes like crazy.
When I got home, I immediately jumped on my computer and did a little research--turns out there's a whole shitload of recent research showing that the employment gap b/t those with college and those without is WIDENING in this economic downturn--that if you don't have a degree, the chances of you being unemployed in the US is around 2.6 times GREATER than if you had one. And as for that silly little anecdote about "one country where 750,000 jobs are being done by people w/degrees" I felt like standing up and saying, "Um, so what kinds of jobs are the people w/o degrees doing??? I mean, if the jobs that DON'T need degrees are being done w/people who are admittedly overqualified, then what's everybody else doing? Oh, right, they're not doing ANY KIND OF JOB. They're UNEMPLOYED!!
Sorry for the rant. The stupidity got to me....Thanks for listening.