Latest SAD--More Higher Ed Bashing. Did you know it's one of Satan's False Refuges?

by Cadellin 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    There are so many things wrong. For starters, who the heck are so dumb to take higher education for the money? How about a genuine interest in learning?

    Secondly, and this really get me, they are so desperately trying to frame higher educations as a money-question, but have they ever given other financial advice? They have never said: "Dont become a carpenter, become a mason, there is a lot more money to be made that way!" or similar, because its not about the money, its about controlling what people do with their lives and they want to wrap it up like a fatherly advice. Thats pretty deceitfull.

    A really annoying habbit of my girlfriends family is that they allways back-talk higher education (and it is clearly aimed at me) when she is around. My parents has not with one word expressed that either of them could have done something else with their life, or critisized how they spend their time. But thats apparently the christian thing to do.

    All of that negativity and judgemental tone aimed at how other people live their life - jez. i never saw that in the bible.

    But back on topic, did Satan have other hiding places?

  • Libelle

    What is the SAD, what does it stand for and what distinctive about it?


    Good for you St. George

    bohm - the education bashing gets pretty personal at every KH for those who are/have gone to uni. Another thing that annoyed me was that they'd render any worldly qualification useless but then misquote some professor agreeing with the WTS as if his status was special.

    Satan's other false refuges are at after school training facilities, theme parks, libraries, cinemas, clubs, stores that stock smurf toys, internet sites and workplaces for professional councillors.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    One of the last assemblies I went to had a experience given by a young man that gave up his scholarship to Pioneer . Because that is the BEST way of life . I literally wanted to stand up and SCREAM !!! Then in our own hall a young woman that had been an honor student went and did the same thing following the 'good example' set before her ......

    Several of the young ones since then have at least gone to two yr college programs or gotten through certificate programs .

    I really felt sorry one young woman in our hall .She was determined to become a Physical Therapist and it takes a little over four yrs of school and clinicals . I heard the Elders trying to discourage her all the time she was going to school ! Parts on the local needs were directed to discredit long college degrees . She was ridiculed for her dating and clothing anything to pick on her IMO....She toughed it out got her education and now has a good job . Bet the Elders are glad now she can contribute more because of that extra money ! .........The sad thing is she is completely hardened into making sure she is a super dub ,maybe just to prove them wrong ,IDK ......I had hoped she would have woken up after all that she went through .

  • Cadellin

    Wow, what great comments, everybody. I have to agree with--uh-oh, I can't seem to see who it was--anyway, whoever suggested that higher ed isn't about getting a job (though it certainly can be) but about simply learning to use your mind, and THATS why the WTS hates it so much. Right on target!! I have to say, a degree has given me a far broader, deeper knowledge base from which to examine information that comes my way.

    There were two different interviews at the SAD, one with an older brother who had had a desire to attend university b/c he loved learning and a similar sentiment echoed by a young teenager who is getting pressure from those bad old teachers in Satan's grip who are encouraging him to apply for (gasp) college scholarships. He, too, said, somewhat longingly, that he enjoyed learning and would so enjoy continuing his education (this really made me sad/mad) but his father was going to go over material w/him at the Family Worship Night to help him resist this obvious Satanic attack. Poor kid.

    But back on topic, did Satan have other hiding places?

    bohm, if my memory serves me right, they included violent entertainment, consumerism (the ole "money will buy you happiness"), human leadership and independent thinking, besides higher ed.

    What is the SAD, what does it stand for and what distinctive about it?

    Libelle, SAD is short for Special Assembly Day. Several years ago, the Society eliminated one of the two annual 2-day conventions and subbed in the SAD, which is only one day--and a kind of shortish day at that. Still, it's one day too long for this mermaid, especially with such stupidity being ladled out under the guise of "food at the proper time."

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    MMXIV and St. George - you are now financially secure, but you are not in the "truth."

    I am still a JW but I agree I am not in the "truth".


  • Markfromcali
    human leadership and independent thinking

    LOL, aren't these two a bit of a contradiction? Ohhhh, but the FDS is not "human" leadership, righhht. But then again, Satan has to do with lying right?

    MMXIV and St. George - you are now financially secure, but you are not in the "truth."

    The society loves to say that if you go to Uni you will end up leaving the truth. I know several JW's who went through higher education and stayed in the truth long enough so Uni couldn't be blamed for them leaving. That was so younger JW's at the KH would be tolerated to go to Uni.

    I was still a JW long after I finished college although had stopped to believe long before.


  • snowbird

    When my little college daughter goes to the SAD, I make sure to fix something special for dinner on that day.



  • Libelle

    What is the SAD, what does it stand for and what distinctive about it?

    Libelle, SAD is short for Special Assembly Day. Several years ago, the Society eliminated one of the two annual 2-day conventions and subbed in the SAD, which is only one day--and a kind of shortish day at that. Still, it's one day too long for this mermaid, especially with such stupidity being ladled out under the guise of "food at the proper time."

    Ok, I think The Mr's SADs are in December, if I'm not mistaken. Are these circuit assemblies?

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