"Do Not Forsake the Gathering of Yourselves..."

by AGuest 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... may you have peace!

    Very recently, another dear one asked me whether I attended church and when I responded that I do not attend, but I am the church... as are ALL of us who are "living stones" in the temple of God... the one responded and asked as to our Lord's address to the seven congregations in his revelation to John, as well as the admonition stated at Hebrews 10:25. Unfortunately, neither of these support church attendance, as I shared with the one asking of me.

    When our Lord addressed the seven "congregations/churches" in his revelation to John, he was not addressing a literal congregation in, for example, Laodecia. If that were the case, (1) then no other congregations/churches were addressed but those seven and thus, the information is for none but those seven, which is unreasonable; (2) the congregations met in houses and thus there was more than one congregation/church in, say, Ephesus. Which leads one to ask, was he adressing ALL of the Ephesians... or just one congregation in Ephesus?

    The answer is that he was addressing his entire BODY... all of whom could "locate" themselves in one of those "churches/congregations" mentioned at any given time. Just like the Body of Christ, which is made up of people... the "temple" of God... the "church"... is not a tangible, concrete dwelling. Neither God nor Christ dwell, however, in handmade temples. They dwell... in their "temple"... us. The Body of Christ. Those who are chosen for such purpose. Also, churches tend to have pastors, elders, reverends... i.e., "leaders." We, as a Body, have a leader, Christ, our Head. There truly is no other "shepherd"... contrary to what Paul (?) and some others may [have] teach/taught.

    As for gathering ourselves... I asked my Lord about this and was told that not only was it a specific admonishment to the Hebrews, it had nothing to do with meetings, such as churches promote... but with coming together to partake of the flesh and blood of Christ... which resulted in the "gathering" of the "eagles"... which occurs where "the body" (or carcass) is. Also, he reminded me that some had the "custom" or habit of NOT doing so, but that didn't mean they were expelled from the Body, that it was an admonishment, not a command, for if it were a command it would have (1) gone to ALL congregations, AND there would be NO mention of those who did NOT do it (i.e., the statement would have been "Do forsake the gathering of yourselves together." Period.).

    I can no longer touch the unclean things that are the harlots (the daughters of Babylon the Great, the Mother of the Harlots) and I would exhort others not to do so, either. But it is only an exhortation - truly is entirely everyone's own choice.

    I bid you peace... and ears to hear... when the Spirit and the Bride say... as to THEM:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... free!"

    A slave of Christ,


  • justmom

    Amen my sister....

    Had a lil time.....thanks for that further understanding at Hebrews 10:23-25

    Hope your day is going well. Love you

  • EndofMysteries

    OMG Aguest,..............................your note about the gathering of the eagles and the flesh............................is a twist I hadn't yet considered............there is much much much deeper aspect of that statement I've been drawn to as of late, and found MANY scriptures speaking of it.

    Thank you, what I am seeing from that, is nothing what your thinking or have intended, but may have helped a lot with one of the deepest mysteries.

  • EndofMysteries

    Just incase, Aguest.........does 'pharoh' fit in with your statement? If you have no idea what it would have anything to do with that, then disregard the question.

  • AGuest

    No, sorry, dear EOM (peace to you!). Doesn't ring a bell... right now. Not to say that it won't, though... if/when my Lord decides it should.

    Peace to you... and you, too, dear J'Mom!!

    A slave of Christ,


  • notverylikely

    Peace to you dear Shelby. Our Lord has asked me to remind that you yourself have many times here have advised that Paul's writing are NOT scripture and to not put too much meaning in to them.

  • cantleave

    Good answer Shelby. The two things that are brought up by witnesses when I am asked about my non-meeting attandance are

    - if we leave the organisation "where esle sall we go to?" and

    we must follow the Command "not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together".

    The answer to both those objections is encompassed in your post above.

  • OnTheWayOut
    but I am the church...

    Remember that Shelby is making up her communications with The Holy Ghost.

  • WingCommander

    OMFG, you're a total nutcase!!!!! ".....I AM the Church." Hahahahaha!!!!

    NOTE TO ADMIN: Why is this delusional preaching allowed?? This person obviously is mentally unstable, yet nothing is done about it? Your inactions to ban this looney so-called "preaching" is merely seen by them as approval to keep it up. You are encouraging their psychosis!!!!!!

    - Wing Commander

  • tec

    but I am the church... as are ALL of us who are "living stones" in the temple of God


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