I mean what is so fun or interesting about Facebook? I am very new to it, I feel like I must be missing something. It seems boring. So what is supposed to happen? You are supposed to check your friends walls to see if they wrote anything interesting? Someone enlighten me, please.
What's the deal with Facebook?
by serenitynow! 40 Replies latest jw friends
Most days - it simply is boring. ;)
The highlight of my Facebook day was the startling news that one of my friends likes MSG (the food additive).
But you can go around poking people. Unless you're a guy, then it's not so cool.
- Lime
Facebook = Satan
Therefore if you're getting on Facebook, you're getting on Satan (complete with horns, a tail, and everything you see here). Get it? Good.
What does poking people mean?
Bottle of water- you must have a juicy Facebook story to tell...
I like facebook, as it is a simple way to communicate with family and friends. You must be careful to edit your profile so information doesn't get into the open. It's a social place as well, when someone puts a link to say, your favourite band is playing locally this Saturday, everyone of your friends get to see this info. I check it briefly through the day. You also get alerts in your email if you prefer, when someone responds to your comments.
Poke is basically a "I want your attention, but I can't think of anything to say" button. Using it is a bit like tapping someone on the shoulder so that they look at you, but then just staring at them.
Since you can always just post on someone else's wall or send them a private message, it's little more than a way to annoy your friends.
- Lime
All I can say about FB is: Pffft! I wasn't terribly impressed the first time I signed up then quit after two months. I've signed up again recently for a certain reason and I'm still not impressed. It's still as annoying as ever. There's hardly anyone there I wish to get/keep in touch with and no family there at all. I'm just there under a pseudonym 'cuz I don't want my former Borg associates knowing what the f**k I'm up to!
Serenitynow I can't help you because I think the same about it: Boring & a pure waste of time.
If I want to contact my friends or share some photos I email them directly.
Maybe because I have passed the 'bloom of youth' it will never make sense to me
I like face book too, but I've noticed it has caused me to interact with some realtives a lot more than I'd really care to. Some folks are like the answering machine on your phone, you really do hope they aren't home and you can just leave a message.
The women I work with, every time they get a free moment, they relate to me the latest from Facebook. The only thing I've found really fascinating is when you google people you work with(yeah I'm a nebby mofo) or people that you've met throughout the years. Its interesting how much information they're willing to divulge about themselves. I don't have a Facebook account, so I can only view so much. But I love seeing pictures of girls I went to middle and high school with to see how they look nowadays, or what they're doing with themselves. Sometimes when I find them I go, "wow, she grew up!" Others I see, "wow, she blew up. 300 LBs and two kids and she got the nerve to be looking for a man SMH."