KS10 Chapter Three

by yknot 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • miseryloveselders

    Another tidbit from paragraph 19 on page 38. If it comes to light or an appointed brother confesses that he has committed a disfelloswhipping offense years in the past: The body of elders amy dtermine he can continue to serve if the following is true: The immorality or other serious wrongdoing occured more than a few years ago, and he is genuinely repentant, recognizing that he should ahve come forward immediately when he sinned. (Perhapes he has even confessed to his sin, seeking help with his guilty conscience.) He has been serving faithfully for many years, has evidenc of God's blessing, and has the respect of the congregation.

    Pornograpy is kicking their booty!!!

  • fresia

    From Chapter three para 20 says...

    20. If the sin occurred before he was appOinted as

    an elder or a ministerial servant, the elders will need

    to take into consideration the fact that he should

    have mentioned this possible impediment to his being

    qualified when elders interviewed him just prior

    to announcing his appointment. Moreover, the nature

    of the sin may reflect greatly on his qualifications

    to serve. For example, the sin may involve past

    child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for

    many years.-w971/1 pp. 26-29; w77 pp. 697-698.

    38 "Shepherd the Flock ofGod"-l Peter 5:2

    I thought that pedophiles were never allowed to be elders again, or elders. "For example, the sin may involve past

    child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for many ."

  • hamsterbait

    If you commit a serious sin several years before when you are an elduh, this is far less serious. You can continue serving as long as the Sheeples at the kingdumb Helll dont know about it.

    If you did it before you were appointed (and the Holy Spirit knew) but you didnt tell them this is far far worse...

    Go figure.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    MLE - just reading your post comparing the WTS to a prison gang. I never thought of it quite like that but your description is dead on. You know, I always think of the mafia or gangs in general of being at least cult-like. Maybe not a religious cult, but a cult nonetheless.

    It's this sort of conduct that screams CULT to most and the level of control in the WT Talmud would make the Pharisees of Jesus day a bit jealous.

    Honestly, sometimes I feel like going to Bethel with a bullhorn and reading Matt 23 and substituting the word GB for the word Pharisees.

  • inbetween

    and it doesnt make any sense, why should Jehovah bless a brother, who went against the clear direction from Gods org by not confessing his sin ?

    would it not also mean, God condones such behaviour ?

    or is it just a way, to keep elders in their position, because there are ot many any more willing to slave for the slave ?

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Pg33 top - "...Did he marry the individual with whom he committed adultery?.."

    WTF?!?! - THE INDIVIDUAL?? Why gender neutral? Does this leave the door open for the possibility that the appointee may have gone homo?

    Just wondering....



    This is NAZI, WTF?!?!

    Pg38. top: "...Questions about a brother's qualifications would result if he

    gave tacit approval to a marriage between a baptized

    Christian and a person who is not baptized. Participating

    in, supporting, or assisting in the courtship,

    wedding, or reception implies approval. Questions

    would also arise if the brother did not get

    involved personally but allowed his wife or others in

    his household to do so."

    So if you allow your child to simply ATTEND a wedding reception of a lifelong JW friend, who just happen to fall inlove and marry a non-JW, your qualifications are questionable?!?. What the F@#K!. Man, this is sick..

    Thanks Yknot!


    Pg38, bottom: "...for example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him formany years.-w971/1 pp. 26-29; w77 pp. 697-698."

    This would LIKELY disqualify him?!? ARE YOU FREAKING NUTS - This SHALL immediately send him to jail, you morons!!

    I am disgusted and done...

  • undercover
    Pg33 top - "...Did he marry the individual with whom he committed adultery?.."
    WTF?!?! - THE INDIVIDUAL?? Why gender neutral? Does this leave the door open for the possibility that the appointee may have gone homo?
    Just wondering....

    My guess is that a good bit of this book was either written, or edited, by the Legal Department. The legalese comes through pretty clear in several instances of just the first few chapters.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Haven't read chapter 3 yet, but this stood out to me from what I read above

    evidence of God's blessing

    So, for elders, just because you've committed immorality in the past, and kept it on the hush, hush, if you have been serving 'faithfully' for many years, and have the respect of the congregation (easy to have, if the cong haven't a clue as to what you've been doing during the wee hours), just what would the evidence of God's blessing be??????!! That's the important third element. Biggest loophole ever. Meaningless jargon, about as easy to pin down as mercury. I take it from a previous post that declaring bankruptcy would be an evidence of lack of God's blessing...but give me POSITIVE EVIDENCES of God's blessing...you're still handling microphones? Help me out, people!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More
    My guess is that a good bit of this book was either written, or edited, by the Legal Department. The legalese comes through pretty clear in several instances of just the first few chapters.

    Undercover, spot on! I wonder how the Legal Department defines 'evidence of God's blessing'. They've got their work cut out for them on that one.

  • AnonJW

    Sherah - Is this new? No

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