Secret Elder Book PROVES the JWs have a Clergy Class

by VM44 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • VM44

    The JWs and The Watchtower often say that they have no "paid clergy class."

    But the new Secret Elder Book that is supposed to be confidential and only seen by the elders and NOT be accessible to anyone else in the congregation PROVES beyond any doubt that the JWs do HAVE a Clergy Class!

    They might not be paid, but the elders are a select, elite group among the Witneeses.

    So much for the boastful claim by The Watchtower that they have no special clergy class.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    And it also proves that no clergy privilege exists since they not only consult with others outside the JC but accord to 7:15 they will divluge not just the circumstances but the actual names of those involved when speaking with the branch.

    The fact this is in writing and out in the public space should help attorneys in going after the society in child abuse cases. I believe the CA court ruled that the fact they are bringing in multiple parties throws out clergy privilege. Especially since the clear, written direction is to NOT inform the accused that the JC is speaking with anyone else.

    I was knew these were kangaroo courts where you are basically guilt until proven innocent but this shows how much the cards are stacked against someone facing a JC.

  • ProdigalSon

    Have any elders made this secret book available online yet?

  • yknot
  • DaCheech

    the confidential clergy privilege thingy is BIG!!!!!

  • donuthole

    To add to what DoubtingBro already expressed -

    When pressed by courts and lawyers the WT will claim that they cannot reveal anything about what transpires in a judicial meeting citing that it is protected under clergy confidentiality. There is even a statement provided in the book for elders to read verbatim when the accused tries to have legal representation in a JC.

    This defense has already been denied by the courts for a few reasons including the fact that the JC is already in the practice of sharing confidential information with other outside parties, even without the knowledge of the accused. As a matter of fact, the new elders book says that when advice or other opinions are needed a JC committee may engage other parties (experienced elders, CO's, the branch) with confidential information regarding the accused. It further outlines that when such actions are taken the elders are not to tell the accused they are consulting with others.

  • Soldier77

    I wonder if there is an interested congressman/woman in the states that would look at this new elders book and use it to wage war on the WTS? That's asking for a lot, I know, but just imagine if the DA or AG got a hold of this during a case involving JWs...

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    "...I wonder if there is an interested congressman/woman in the states that would look at this new elders book and use it to wage war on the WTS?"

    You mean the Government to come after the True Religion?

    Isn't this the persecution they dream day and night? Them Armageddon must be imminent Step up the field service, brothers and sisters!

  • Soldier77

    HAH! Yup, I guess that would play right into their propaganda, wouldn't it? Damn it, Yan, I wasn't thinking that one all the way through!

  • EndofMysteries

    If the WT was shutdown, then the wild beast turned on true religion BEFORE false religion. Everybody would wonder why they weren't the last ones standing.

    They keep saying FALSE religion gets turned on first.

    SO wouldn't you'd all like to hear the rebuttal on that.

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