In Ray Franz's second book (below), not only does he demonstrate that the WT has a clergy class, he illustrates how the WT organization has copied the heirarchical structure of the RCC in many ways.
In Search of Christian Freedom
by VM44 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
In Ray Franz's second book (below), not only does he demonstrate that the WT has a clergy class, he illustrates how the WT organization has copied the heirarchical structure of the RCC in many ways.
In Search of Christian Freedom
What? We didn't need a secret elder book to prove JWs have a clergy class. The anointed are the clergy class--they're described as the only ones who are kings and priests! The Governing Body is itself the clergy class, and the elders/CO's/DO's/etc. are an extension of that. Oh, and the GB does indeed get paid, and they live quite well off of the flock. I always felt the notion of having no clergy class was a load of crap. The elders may not dress up in special robes, but you usually know an elder when you see one. They're usually pointing at something.