Secret Elder Book PROVES the JWs have a Clergy Class

by VM44 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • leavingwt

    In Ray Franz's second book (below), not only does he demonstrate that the WT has a clergy class, he illustrates how the WT organization has copied the heirarchical structure of the RCC in many ways.

    In Search of Christian Freedom

  • sd-7

    What? We didn't need a secret elder book to prove JWs have a clergy class. The anointed are the clergy class--they're described as the only ones who are kings and priests! The Governing Body is itself the clergy class, and the elders/CO's/DO's/etc. are an extension of that. Oh, and the GB does indeed get paid, and they live quite well off of the flock. I always felt the notion of having no clergy class was a load of crap. The elders may not dress up in special robes, but you usually know an elder when you see one. They're usually pointing at something.


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