If you step down, they are going to want to know why? What do you say?
Can Ministerial Servants Fade?
by ihadnoidea 35 Replies latest jw experiences
Room 215
invoke health isssues, stress, doctor's orders, etc.
Someone who used to post here- RF, successfully faded from min servant and pioneer status.
Inside Man
the best way to do it is to move to another congregation and if they recommend you refuse the appointment. just say i dont wanna be a servant no more. if they ask why just say i don't want the stress or if your circumstances has changed just say not at this time. if you wanna stay at the hall you are at it may be a little tougher. it may get emotional because you know all those people well. so they will try to lighten your load at 1st if you are doing alot. then they will ask alot of questions, they may even think you are getting into trouble and will wanna know why. so you better have a good excuse maybe you gotta work afternoons, or you are sick or depressed or something. it's just easier to move. maybe blow off a couple of assignments before you leave to show that you are not serious. And they will not recommend you anyway but they still are gonna wanna meet with you to tell you why and to try to offer encouragement.
The facts....
25. The a pprov al of the branch office is requiredwhen de let1ons of m1nisterial ser vantsare recommended in the following circumstances :
• A brother res1gns for personal reasons. Two e lders should first discuss the matte r with h1m.
Why does he wish to resign? Is he Scripturally disqualified? If his personal c1rcumstances hinder him from doing what he would like, can theelders be of any assistance and encouragement? If his c1rcumstances change, perhaps they can lighten his load for a period of time whilehe continues to serve. If, after this d1scussion, he still feels he wants to resign, then the Congregation Committee should write the branch office and give sufficient 1nformation sothat the reasons for resignation are clear. Full detailsshould be provided as to why he chose to relinquish his pr1vilege of service
This is the same for elders and mini's so they'll go a lot easier on a mini. They will ask about previous sins that may be the reason. Clearly do not confess to anything. They need to send a reason to Bethel so there has to be one.
My advice: Be sick. Miss a number of talks you have. Apologise profusely but become very unreliable and drop your FS down very low. They'll want to help you. You need to always thank them and maybe even work with a few on FS. But continue on your irregular pattern. After maybe 6 months of this ask to step down due to ill health/stress. They won't want you to, they'll want to support you or lighten your responsibilities but keep you on as an MS. You need to persuade them that after a lot of prayer this is what your conscience has told you. What Jah has told you. As soon as you are well again and proven reliability for a certain time that you hope they will consider you for being an MS again.
Once you're deleted then you can continue your fade. This may all take a year of hassle. It will be hassle although you'll have a lot more time on your hands along the way so you'll be able to taste freedom fairly quickly.
Alternatively you could move to a new area and then be quite irregular when you at the new cong. so you don't get made up an MS - much easier and quicker but probably way more costly.
PM me if you need any more info.
hey inside man - you're on the same radar. hadn't seen your post when I was writing mine - all about playing the game. I did a long planned fade and all went well.
surely the best way for any bro to fade whether they be elder or MS is to stop reporting no cong will use brothers who are inactive, it saves all the aggravation of moving congs,making up health problems etc.
MMXIV and Inside Man have it right.
In my case, I had to play the personal and family issues card heavily just to get 'permission' to step aside. Then the fade began. It takes lots of time, but it can be done.
Inside Man
If you decide to stay at your hall for awhile ihadnoidea ask yourself can you handle it when the people around you star asking what happened. Can you handle it when the elders wanna meet with you to encourage you. You go 1 or 2 months turning in no time or having 1 or 2 hours in service they will be all over you nagging you can you handle that. As a servant you are suppose set a good example for the congregation. You start slacking off for no good reason they will be curious.
Can you handle the announcement Bro. Ihadnoidea has been deleted and is no longer a ministerial servant.
If you plan on leaving the org and dont care what people think it will be a piece of cake. But if you have people there that like you or strong family ties in the org and you are around these people alot it's gonna be hard at times.
Inside Man
When you move it is some much easier to fade into the sunset. Just go to a couple of meetings make sure your publisher card is sent there before you leave completely. You don't have to move far. Just switch to cong where you dont know alot of the people maybe 15 to 30 mins away. Dont ever go in service and if you wanna go to keep family ties intact just go on sunday listen to the talk and leave in the middle of the watchtower. if the brothers ever ask you anything about you meeting or field service attendance just say i dont like this hall it's so unloving and they will leave you alone.