How many Elders wives or kids have looked at the congregation files without their husband/father knowing about it? Anyone here have any knowledge of this. How foolish anyone is to go to these people if they keep a written record/file on you. I'll bet most JW's don't know this is done. I didn't realize they kept a file on people. I had the experience of having gone to the elders about a matter only to realize from one of the elder's wife's reaction, that he had told her what I talked to them about. He was DF'd less than a year later for immorality.
It seems like a person who may have done something "wrong" and gone to the elders about it, could have this haunt/embarrass him/her forever after. Even if you moved to a new hall years later, wanting to make a fresh start, you'd still have the feeling that someone may be able to drag up mistakes from your past and that the new elders would already have an opinion of you based on whatever slant the report about you was written with.
God forgives, but the WT policies make sure your errors are never forgotten.