I was reminded of something I wanted to post here for awhile. Wondering your thoughts.
My JW cousin, who is now an elder's wife and mother of three, once said this years ago. She was at a gathering with other JW wives, and one of them said to her, early in her marriage: "Don't be surprised the first time your husband tells you to shut up."
Even then, I couldn't help thinking, "Hmm. Isn't that wrong? What kind of abuse are these wives taking at home, that they never talk about except amongst themselves?" I found it to be kind of sad that any woman would think that that's normal or acceptable. (It goes without saying that quite a few women, JW or not, wouldn't tolerate that kind of crap, and more power to them.)
I think the fact that this was discussed said to me that these women were being conditioned to accept abusive behavior as a normal part of marriage. Would I be correct in saying that? (Obviously, Jamie, I would be, but I'm playing it naive here.)
I guess I'm an idealist about love and marriage, even though those things can really suck at times. I figured that the woman I marry (well, it's "married" now, of course, 1st anniversary coming up next month) deserves better than that. She deserves to be heard and respected--I thought that was what the textbook, the Bible, tells men to do--not be bitterly angry with them, to love them as one's own body. (Col. 3:19; Eph. 5:28, 33) Of course, I think I noticed a huge gap between textbook and real life, hence why I walked away. Okay, so I was kicked out, but by choice. Okay, never mind.