Hey ALL,
its funny that I just happen to work for a PRINTING company and can print many, many books. I would love to get my hands on some pdf's. Can someone PM me please. If anyone wants a printed copy PM me!!! THE GB can kiss my @$$!! LMAO
by Simon 217 Replies latest forum announcements
Hey ALL,
its funny that I just happen to work for a PRINTING company and can print many, many books. I would love to get my hands on some pdf's. Can someone PM me please. If anyone wants a printed copy PM me!!! THE GB can kiss my @$$!! LMAO
johnnyblazedog = copyright infringement by posting on the net, still would require lots a proving and suing. Reproducing in the manner of which you speak - they could and I am sure would burn your ass. If you are referring to reproduction on any xerox type copier be aware that an invisible code is included in all copies made. This code can identify the machine that was used.
I still don't get how they can include this "This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations." in the book and still self righteously claim copyright infringement. Just my simple ignorance I suppose. I am also quite convinced that they could not have prevailed in court against "Quotes site" but rather it was there clout with donated funds
Copyright ownership has absolutely nothing to do with how much or how little or if any money they make from what they publish. NOTHING.
Sorry to a musician or an author it means a lot.
But regardless of whether they make money from it or not they OWN it. They wrote it and published it. it is THEIRS. No one has a right to steal it. One thing I did notice was that there was no title page, no face page with the year it was published and the publiser. All that was missing is actually an even bigger issue than if you left it in. What else is missing?
Truth be told there is probably little difference in this version and the last. The parts they really don't want anyone to see must be hand written in my the elder like the last one. I bet none of that material wound up in this copy
The problem the WTB&TS has is they regard any dissenting voices as the enemy. They fear their 'secret' material falling into enemy hands.
Wow, StuckinaMovement, I LIKE your letter!!! Someone else posted an excellent 'cover' letter for (imaginary... ) "distribution" of the new elders' manual; I like YOURS very much!!
That letter destroyed mine! Nice one, stuckinabowelmovement!
"Bowel Movement" = Gov.Bod!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!
I like your explaination Lady Lee. It sounds very logical. It is sad that they have a secret book only for the elders, but that is ultimately their choice.
I know the first elders book contained information on judicial matters on various sexual relationships that were not published in the wt. I remember publishers who were completely bewildered on why they were before a judicial committee. It was a few years later that it was published in the wt for the flock to know that these acts were wrong.
It is very understandable that this forum needs to follow the laws that exist, though we may want otherwise.
Thanks bro dan,
yup I am stuck in a constipated religion. Wouldn't it be great if you woke up and saw that on msnbc or cnn?