Psychic feelings anyone?

by 1Robinella 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 1Robinella

    I'm not sure what kind of response I will get from everyone, but I have to ask. Is their someone out their that was also raised a JW but grew up with "psychic feelings?" From the youngest age I can remember having feelings of things or just knowing. After much research I believe it's true that everyone can be somewhat psychic it just depends how much in tune they are and how they use it. Most people push it away while others see it, recognize it and use it. For me, my father was a MS and sensitive person as well. Both grandmothers, my sister, neices, aunts and myself included. For me, I've had many, many wonderful experiences and because I was brought up a JW the teachings they give is always fear based when it's on such topics like: "All of it is demonic." etc...which puts fear into everyone. I am working through that fear and need to progress. I was just wondering if anyone else on this site is like me. If your wondering, I'm a healthy, active woman. I'm not on any meds, had a normal child life, not abused in anyway, have a great marriage and generally a happy person.

    I welcome comments please.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I wasn't raised a JW, but always had some "psychic" experiences. A couple of weeks ago I dreamed about a lady friend I was close to when we worked together. I now live 1800 miles away and hadn't talked to her in a couple weeks. In the dream we were in the same hospital room and my finger was cut off. I called her the next day, just to see if maybe something was going on and told her about my dream. She was actually doing good and her health was the best it had been in 5 years.

    She called me 3 days ago and said her son witnessed an accident at work where a guy got his finger cut off and her son was the one who saved the finger in ice. My best one was being 5000 miles away and dreaming of my house burning 2 days before it did.

    Think About It

  • Leprechaun

    Concerning your question inquiring if anyone else has ever had "psychic feelingsā€ or occurrences or uncanny powers in their lives: It seems to me my life was dotted with many such times, I had many premonitions that hit me like a ton of bricks about certain individuals, I did not seek out or encourage these moments they would just come upon me out of the blue. It has been a curse upon me many times when those I love or have been friends with for many years would become an active part of a premonition that would involve them dying I would see it in many details. Yes, I am well aware of how Jehovah views fortune telling of events, I would pray to Jehovah to rid me of this subtle ability that has trailed me since my youth. In some ways looking back now, I think it was a test in some sort of a way, to see how I would react as an imperfect man, I have always had a seed of hope to be in the heavens for as long as I can remember, so personally in my case anyway I think being psychic all these years has been a test between me and Jehovah to give me an opportunity to ultimately rely on him and his son in my heart, even though it has been very confusing and not in anything I may think I have created personally. Stay humble...

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I think I have an ability as an emotional psychic. I can feel people's distress even if they are thousands of miles away. Once a connection has been made to a person it doesn't matter how much time has passed. i feel them. I recently had 2 experiences like this that blew me away.

    One was to a poster who used to be here. I had lost his email address and didn't know how to contact him without advertising on the board that is. But I feeling was so strong that something was not right. Then out of the blue he contacted me and confirmed that indeed there were some problems.

    The second was to a man I had lived with after I left the JWs. I had not talked to him in 20 years but I had this intense need to contact him to make sure he was OK. After a year of trying I was finally able to find him and he too was struggling with some things.

    Now it is easy to say we all struggle through things but in both cases they were extraordinary things.

    I found when I was counseling people this also helped me a lot. Sometimes people couldn't express what they were feeling. Sometimes they couldn't get a word out so I would just start talking and they would stop me and ask "How did you know?" I just did.

    I don't try to explain it. It just is. I have never thought it was demonic. I thought that my experiences as a victim of all kinds of abuse have primed me to connect with and understand what other people are experiencing. As a child I spent many hours watching people, alert for signs of danger when abuse might explode in our house. It was a defense against abuse. But it has developed into a skill that I can use and sometimes uses me.

  • 1Robinella

    Although growing up in a fairly happy home whenever I was home alone, sometimes unexplainable things would occur. Once my parents were in Mexico and my older brother was staying in the house with me, he left to pick up dinner for us and I stayed behind. I was laying on my bed relaxing and I heard my parents speaking in the family room. I sat up to listen and they continued speaking but I knew they were in another country. I could definately hear both parents distintive voices. I even walked to the doorway of my bedroom and looked out the hallway to listen and it stopped.

    When my father died when I was 13 I was laying in bed facing the wall and behind me I heard my name called out, in my father's voice. It wasn't a scary voice, just his normal voice. But It freeked me out because all these years my mother would tell me it's my imagination or it's not true. So I had no one to talk to about all my occurances. Then one night after the bible study my mother would have in the home we went to bed and I remember laying in bed, not able to sleep. Then I heard a noise in the kitchen it sounded like someone moving the metal blinds coming in through the window. I sat up, worried that someone was breaking in. I pinched my arm to make sure that I was really awake (did this like 4 times). I could hear every movement. It sounded like someone jumped from the window to the counter then jump down to the floor. But they stayed in that general area. After pinching my self several more times I wondered what to do next. I ran to my mom's closed bedroom door and went in and closed it behind me asking my mom to call the police. The police came and searched the entire house. Nothing was moved and my mom apologized to the policeman saying "My daughter was dreaming, maybe it was a mouse."

    How was I dreaming when I pinched myself and stood at my doorway and could still hear these sounds?? So you see these two events I still remember till this day.

    Once at work, I was opening up, no one was their and I walked to my desk and the strong scent of pefume of my deceased sister was their....

    Once at another job a co-worker had passed away a few weeks before and I was walking down a hallway and a friend of mine came around the far corner walking towards me, I looked up at her, stared at her hard and kept walking then I turned around to look at her again and she said two times "Are you okay? You look like you seen a ghost." I said "I saw you but it wasn't you. I thought you were someone else but I knew it couldn't be true." She said "Did you see Karen?" I said Yes!

    I get these kind of things often. This is just the tip of the ice berg. Your quotes are so true.

    I did not seek out or encourage these moments they would just come upon me out of the blue.

    I don't try to explain it. It just is.

  • bottleofwater

    Maybe you need to see a psychiatrist? You could be delusional. I'm not saying that you are, but there's always that possibility.

  • Lozhasleft

    Bottle of water - thats really not helpful now is it?

    1Robinella - I get much the same stuff as Lady gets kind of 'spooky' how often I get things right without knowing beforehand. I used to worry it would offend Jehovah when I was in the Org but now I just let it happen and take it as a privilege.

    Loz x

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    what bottleofwater said, you may need professional help (I mean this in a nice way) if its still going on, they may not be able to help you.

    Copy and past link, they made A Beautiful Mind which is based on him.,_Jr.

  • Satanus

    Back in tribal days, one member of the tribe would generally become the witchdoctor/shaman. It was kinda like one psychic in the tribe. It was considered normal. Of course, some of them were crap. But, many of them performed really useful services, like finding where the game was. Just saying that this stuff has always been w us humans.


  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    I used to have psychotic feelings, but they are all gone.


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