lady lee, you might want to look up empaths.
Psychic feelings anyone?
by 1Robinella 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hmmm. Heres one that I never understood. Months into first studying with the JW's (and I was really going quite strong in such a short space of time) I seemed to have an uncanny ability to know exactly what peoples religious belief was.
For example I would look at a man/woman and just know that they were a Catholic, or say a Church of England. There was no visible evidence like a Cross or anything, but I just knew and was always accurate when I pressed them for information when preaching... At the time I just assumed it was normal, like I was personally being given divine insight, but looking back clearly it would have been considered wrong in the JW eyes and I simply have no other explanation for it. It was like I had a 6th sense....