Dear Patricia
It is very diffiult for me to respond to your post. I do not want to say anything to you that would be upsetting. You are even now struggling - living with acute physical pain and trying to maintain the gains you have made in recovering mental stability. I commend you for your efforts. And, the fact that you raised three children on your own, an unfair burden for any female, indicates to me that underneath all your present woes, is a very strong woman.
However, since you have responded so strongly to some of the topics on this forum, I feel compelled to answer.
Many of the people here have suffered at the hands of the "big organization" as you, yourself, call it and/or they have learned the history of "big organization"; yes, even the lives of past pesidents and their "sins."
True, we are all sinners, but we aren't claiming to be the dispensers of truth to the flock, we aren't establishing rules for the rank-and-file publisher to follow - or else! To some of us it is/was the "big organization's" changes in doctrine or policy, or their see-sawing on policy/doctrines that have impacted us in very hurtful, unchristian ways. I won't go into them, a debate about these issues is not the intent of my response.
You are particularly offended by the jokes, as is your right, if they seem offensive to you - but when you opened up the humor/joke thread and saw the nature of them, you were quite capable of backing up and just not reading them.
"Waiting" related that she often heard, and still does, some brothers telling ribald jokes - and I too had this experience. While in the car during
magazine service, too boot! Quite discomforting for a young teen-age
girl, who most of the time didn't even
"get it."
You are appalled by the bantering and humor, but frankly Patricia, I was
appalled by your calling "Seven's
posting "filthy" - suggestive perhaps,
but "filthy" - no.!
It is obvious to users of this forum that you are a strong adherent of the organization and are content to 'wait on Jehovah' to fix things - we have said not a word to you directly to dissuade you from your beliefs. And, I myself am glad that Jehovah is helping you through these days of suffering -
others have responded to you with concern and sympathy.
Remember me, Yeldell, I was the one who sent you the e-mail, subject "Love Check." I have sent e-mail to only one other poster, our Mommy Wendy - because there was something about her that tugged at my heart. And as far as Seven, I wanted to send her a quote, and found her e-mail locked - guess she wants to make it "really easy" for those men you think she is trying to appeal to? I have often wanted to e-mail others, but by nature I'm not an intrusive woman, and so try and be content with posting on the board; and, it even took me a couple of weeks to get the gumption to do that.
But I did e-mail you because I cared -
and you did say, and it's still posted,
something such as "help, need assistance....need help."
AT THIS POINT I would like to ask you a couple of questions:
You say that you are 'in contact with your new elder' and he seems to understand - not your exact words, but close enough.
However, I noted a post you made to
Thinker - where you asked him to post what was new in the Watchtower study lessons, and if if they were still studying Daniel at the bookstudy.
PATRICIA - why hasn't this understanding elder, called on you to provide you with the magazines?????? WHY Patricia?
Why aren't they attending to the needy in their flock? It would mean so much to you; and they don't even take the time to drop off a few magazines?????----very strange - think about it, please.
Yes, Patricia, Jehovah IS keeping you going, for it is obvious that they aren't.
Does, anyone stop by to visit with you to offer a word of encouragement or comfort? - wouldn't have to be a long visit - a few minutes out of their time would mean so very much to you - I know that and so do you - "brother, can you spare me a dime?"
Did any of your sisters/brothers visit with you during those long, dark days while you were hospitalized - even send you a card?
As larc related to you in his response to your original post, his own mother suffered horribly for many, many years, undergoing several shock treatments, several confinements. Through all of her suffering she remained loyal to the "big organization."
During her last confinement, she was oh so grateful to be assigned a psychiatrist who took much personal interest in her case. He ultimately put her on Lithium, monitoring carefully until she had the proper dosage.
He even called the family together for a conference and, for the fist time, her problem got a name "Bi-Polar Disorder" aka Manic-Depression.
Patricia, I truly loved my mother-in-law - the Lithium treatment allowed her to be her true self - Joy,
However, I need to tell you something significant - while waiting to see the psyhiatrist my still very active JW
Yes, her own daughter thought that her mother was demonized. When the Lithium proved to be a blessed treatment for this suffering woman, I must confess larc and I wanted to say to sis-in-law,
"Well, guess the demons must be allergic to Lithium (a derivative of a common organic salt compound). Of course, we didn't! Must walk on eggs, you know and not offend those in the "big organization."
You see, Patricia, at that time the Watchtower was promoting the idea that mental illness was of the demons. And it has only been in recent years that they have published a handfull of articles acknowledging this MAY not be the only cause of mental problems. However, I know for a fact that many witnesses still have this concept in their minds and are fearful of those with mental problems.
So, I repeat myself, but I would like you to ask "understanding elder and wife" why other's don't spare just a few minutes, only a very few, (we know how busy they are) to visit with you, drop off literature. WILL YOU DO IT?
Fellow posters are in various stages of belief/disbelief, all are accepted here. You are free to not agree with us -
we have not walked in your shoes, but neither have you walked in ours.
With sincere care and concern - Zazu
I apologize fellow posters - about half way through above I thought I should have put it in a thread of its own - I'm not sure she will read this!
Do get on with the jokes ---- whoops!
Do proceed with them. Zazu