Are they not giving out pioneer cards anymore? If not, does anyone know why?
Blood cards - before screaming too loudly,
by TheOldHippie 34 Replies latest jw friends
i dont need a card to say i dont believe in the Trinity.......
if you are badly injured in a car accident, and unconcious, lying on the operating table, will your belief or non-belief in the trinity really make a difference to the ensuing operation? would it matter if the doctors knew of your stand on the triune god?if you have even a lick of intellect, you will re-think this preposterous line of reasoning and delete your ridiculous post. as you would say, school is officially in session......lesson number one: think before you speak to avoid embarrassment.
If they are NOT so in the US, please do not scream too loudly that major changes are occuring etc.,
This is very true OldHippie. I already posted this on another thread, but I will repeat it. The elder in our congregation that have the Blood talk read part of a letter sent by the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, dated December 20th, 2001 saying that they DID print the cards this year and they were dated "6/01". In fact, our congregation received a supply of these cards. The letter explains that there was an error in the language used in these cards, so they had to discard them. Just for this year, we would not renew them and had to make sure that our present cards had a printing date of 3/99.
Our congregation had a limited supply of those cards (with the 3/99) and were passed out to those that had lost their cards from the previous year or if their cards were messed up someway.
There is no conspiracy here.
Sorry, Sexyteen, I'm not buying into that!
"error in the language" - this may relate to the autologus/allogenic
controversy, already mentioned. The blood issue, with all its legal
ramifications, is highly critical to the Society. It is extremely
unlikely that they dumped the cards simply because somebody in
composing goofed - that stuff is checked and rechecked as a matter
of course.Get back to thoughts of conspiracy!
You are wrong metatron. It's o.k. to admit it you know.
Because the blood card can be used like a legal document, it is important that the language be correct. It is true that it is checked and rechecked, but in this case it was a printing error.
Last year, we had to replace page 2 of our Power of Attorney document because one word was misspelled in the original forms mailed out to the congregation.
It happens. No conpiracy here, move on...
excuse me sexyteen,
But when I went to the Kingdom Hall all those years, every January it was like a life-or-death matter that you have the card filled in, signed and dated with the current date! You were most untheocratic if you did not do so!
So...why the change in attitude for this year, 2002? "You can just keep your present cards... NO WORRY" -- why is it less important this year than last?
I'm not looking for a conspiracy, just wanting to understand better why it was so important before and why the attitude is so casual towards the 'no blood' card now.
GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
Mark Twain (1835-1910) -
you fool jdub..heed your own advice...
just like an TYPICAL ant you refuse to look at the context..
as it was a ref to BELIEF and changes.....
are you looking to get schooled again??? your forget to quickly..
dubla noted:
if you have even a lick of intellect, you will re-think this preposterous line of reasoning and delete your ridiculous post. as you would say, school is officially in session......lesson number one: think before you speak to avoid embarrassment.
Well, looks like we all know about nytelcom now.
just like an TYPICAL ant
since you wish to call this "school", lets nit pick. shouldnt this be "a" typical, and what is the "ant" reference about? perhaps you meant "anti", its hard telling when dealing with someone with your level of refuse to look at the context..
no, i didnt refuse to look at the context. you showed very clearly that your beliefs about the trinity didnt need a card to back them up, and they still havent it was a ref to BELIEF and changes.....
the pioneer reference, although completely irrelevant, was to show that pioneers once carried cards, now they dont, and the discontinuation of the card carrying has changed nothing about the beliefs of pioneers.
if i have misunderstood either of these two references, please explain, and bring your shovel, i cant wait to hear this.
either way, your examples lend just a little less than zero to this discussion of the discontinuation of the BLOOD CARD, which is a HIGHLY IMPORTANT legal document when dealing with the blood issue in an emergency situation. if the blood cards were made obsolete, it would COMPLETELY change the beliefs behind the cards, unlike the two nonsensical examples you could a witness believe in "no blood" without carrying the card? please refer to my car accident scenario above before answering.
Sorry Sexy - that "Opps we made a printing error" doesn't sit to well with me either. Ask yourself, doesn't the text always remain about the same year to year. If it didn't this year, why not? "New light"? "Light" they decided to "turn off" (at least for a bit). The final questionable item is the print date 6/01. You're saying that they printed enough cards to mail to all the congos 6 months in advance yet failed to find a 'printing error' until 2 weeks before the distribution? I hardly think so. If that were true they need to fire the 'editor' of the blood cards.
Sexy, you can't pull the typical JW 'ignore the man behind the curtain' reasoning on people on this board. Unlike most JWs, people here actually question what they are told and examine the facts/rumors for themselves.